TBD on Ning

We haven't had a good confessional on here for a while. I'll start. I sometimes lie to strangers in a bar about where I'm from or what I do. I even use a fake name sometimes. Especially if they are a little creepy and coming on strong. Your turn.

Tags: bars, cleanslate, confession, pretending, startfresh

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I confess lusting after strange men I see riding their bikes by my house as a part of some bike club.
I like big calves, god help me.
Do you lust after Bull? He is a really big, grown up calf.
WHO? does he have a picture of his calves on here somewhere?
I have lots of cows and calves.
Hey gal, no wonder since I remember a few days ago about you complaining that it has been SO long since you experienced sex!!!!!!!!!! LOL
This kid with his tweaked CB radio used to splash over and wipe out the emergency bands for our county..
After several warnings, the kid told me that he had a lot of static on his receiver.
I told him to boil his radio as this would end his static problem.
Never heard anymore complaints from our customers.
That's great!
I once sat on ice cream.........but I swear....that's as kinky as I've ever gotten.
Sometimes I get bored sitting in the hay field and drive to town to do laundry or some other exciting thing. One time I even ask KarenSme a question, but she never answered.
One time Richard Garry Robinson asked me a questi---

OMG. Is he above me?
Yes. For Sme:




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