TBD on Ning

 It's way too soon to celebrate. Every legislator who voted for it is hoping and praying that he/she was right. I'm hoping and praying they were right too.


Only time will tell.

Tags: premature-celebration

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I didn't log in to post a comment, he was spot on about the republican party, he could have said the same thing about the democratic party. It's time to clean house and see to it that this historic bill passed last night gets a fair chance.
How can we trust our government?
Backroom deals.
Free airports.
Taking the student loans away from the banks.
Let me tell you, this is not a honest business practice.
Fine example sent to our kids.
Offer me a one million dollar bribe and I will laugh at you.
Some people still have pride in themselves.

Maranna Huffington (spelling) in not an example of anything.
I guess that some people have to sneak up on their mirror, so it won't reflect their true worth.
Kathy Arlene wrote: "...Alain and I discussed options... stay here with no insurance, move to France where I would be covered by his socialized coverage... but during the discussions he told me that knowing my family history (a brother and a niece with Cerebral Palsy) I should know that he knew of instances in France of babies born with defects not being given life-saving care or parents being told they were still-born (and the Mother knew that was not the case)....

So, my fear is the withholding of care when cost (either immediate or long-term) is weighed along with the individual's ability to contribute.... this may not be in the immediate future, but down the road who knows... as some have stated insurance companies do this now.... we are trading one master for another... it may not be a 'fix' but instead only a 'trade.' "

Kathy, I have never heard of any situations in this country where care has been withheld because of inability to pay. Obviously I am not aware of everything that goes on, and perhaps errors are made as they are everywhere, but your friend may have been going on very old information as far as handicapped babies are concerned. In any case, it is well known that the infant mortality rate here is, at present, far, far lower than it is in the USA.

My experience was that I was obliged to ask them to stop treatment when it was obvious that my husband was no longer present and had not been for nearly two weeks. I gave them our living will and the doctor was grateful that I was able to make the decision not to keep him alive unnecessarily, because he was not able to propose it himself.
I agree with Lar, Throw all the incumbent Congress People out of office and start with a new slate that are not corrupted by Washington politics. I don't understand how you can spend almost a trillion dollars in the next ten years and reduce the deficit. Doesn't make sense to a simple man like me.
Dottie - where are you finding this information?
This bill is not perfect and I am sure adjustment can and will be made as needed. We could have had a better bill if the Republicans would have actually compromised just a little but from what I can tell they felt that bringing down the elected President was more important than health care for Americans.
Quinn. Most proponents of the bill don't know what it says or does either.

In an earlier post of mine, I recanted the "fool" part of my headline. It was wrong, I was in a foul mood. I apologize to all. I just now edited and took it out.
Thank you Larry.
I do not wish to continue an argument but I believe that if you will check voting records in congress you will find that many Democrats voted for Bush's agenda. At least in the beginning.
I do agree with you that we would be better off without political parties. George Washington warned against them in his Farewell Address in 1796.
PA, no you don't want that.
The greatest characteristic of the democracy is the opposition...other way it is a dictatorship
I did not say we all had to agree. Without going into Congress with a set of rules defined by a politcal party members would be able to take independent positions on each bill. Most local government work that way and Nebraska does it state wide.
I am coming from a country with more than social health care, they still have in someway. And I want to tell you that neither I or anyone I knew there was ever denied service of any kind.
I have never had to wait 4-5 hours in the walk in clinic because I was not provident enough to make an appointment with my doctor and get sick accordingly.
I have never had to fear that I will loose my home or I won't be able to support my family because I am sick.
I never had to hold a doctors visit because of worry about the bill...my 74 years old mother neither.
I was never kicked out of the hospital on the second day after a back surgery because the insurance company may deny to pay for my stay , /it was done to my ex-husband here/.
I was never scared to call emergency again because I would worry about the bill.
My kids had doctor, nurse and dentist on staff at their school. I remember the dentist visiting our school every 3 months for regular check up and it was mandatory for all of us /of course it was free/. And I know that many parents can't afford dental work for their kids here.
My sister live in Norway and it is the same there, I have friends in England and Italy, my daughter lives in S Korea and it is the same there....
I have a co-worker who lost his mother because she did not have health insurance and did not want to go to a doctor worrying about the bill, she had a heart attack, by the time they took her to the hospital it was too late/this happened here/.
/And just please don't ask me what am I doing here than and why I don't move there because it is getting old and you may not like my answer./




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