TBD on Ning

Before I go any further, I want to say that I am asking this question as an 'innocent civilian', and not a member of an administrative group (though that may change). Whether it changes or not is STILL NOT why I am asking the question. I am asking it for curiosities sake, mostly; I have difficulty believing that a social site aimed at us, Babyboomers, would not be successful.Sure there's Facebook and the like, but to me, Facebook is a little like Calcutta...or NYC. Just a little bit too broad spectrum and ceratinly too large. (Descriptors like 'a mess' come to mind...).


Why wasnt this site successful in the first place? If it relied soley on pay per click advertising...well there's your answer. Maybe thats the reason (ofcourse, the ONLY reason) that my InqquiringEye site never made me any money...


Let's give it some thought. (Maybe it will pay off in our own respective, private-life projects). Fisrt off, what about membership? Right now, I see 12 people online. (Prior to the last closing scare, there were roughly 40ish online, at any given time.) To raise membership, I would start with raising awareness. But 'raising aware-ness; as a rule, costs money, doesnt it? Not necessarily so. When ever I needed awareness  (or money) raised for a project (my college education might be an example here...), I went straight to the media. When the media wouldn't bite, or when I was not a part of the media per se, I d use free media, like the internet. And I was not beyond using myself, mystuff, or my friends to advertise my cause.


Why isnt this happening already? Well, it beats me, but maybe since the site does not 'belong' to anyone, there is no real incentive to work on it? I dont kbow the answer to this. Is it a 'ning' product? Is there a copyright? Could interested individuals throw in ...10 bucks and incorporate the site? The word 'membership-fee' no doubt causes everyone to cringe, But what if that fee were optional, and it bought you 'stock' in the site? I read that the original site started by Robin (hi Robin) had a  24 million (or so )dollar budget...? Certainly there's enough brainpower between us, we could do it for less...


The same article (which I skimmed through) suggested that there was not enough 'content' to keep people interested. I often thought there should be a daily poll (for fun). That should be easy enough to do. Perhaps art or photography, writing or fund raising contests? Not only would the site benefit, but so would we, in our own individualives... Really, the list of contest possibilities is as long as the list of discussion possibilities.


Maybe you've rolled this topic around, yourself. Certainly, all of the threats that this site mght close, must certainly have peaked your awareness. Creating, funding, maintaining, administering a site like this a huge job for a handful of people. But if that work was spread out (I can see much of the tedious stuff being automated), maybe it could work. Sure, we wouldnt always agree, but that, inandofitself, would serve to make things livelier (what doesnt kill you makes you stronger...?)


Anyway, knowing nothing, I've been thinking. Maybe you have too. Maybe you even know something and would like to share it.. Here's to putting it out in the open! Mother Sanity

Tags: IT, TBD, advertising, business, community, contests, forum, ideas, membership, programming, More…technology

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Replies to This Discussion

I agree with Ms Farquar's assessment and analogy.

I originally joined one of the more recent sites created to offer an alternative to TBD/Ning. I didn't like it at the new site, and I remain unconvinced that the stated reasons for founding that site are the same as the actual reasons.

In the meantime, I see that a hot looking lady in a big hat has just taken a seat at the end of the bar. I think I'll send over a drink...
Stir Young...Thanks for the reply. FYI, Mother Sanity is always ready for a drink...
Alrighty then.....on that happy note......
Well, this is all very interesting. With my ear constantly to the ground like it is, you'd think important facts like this would not pass me by so easily. Well. That being said....

Thanks for tightening me up on the history. I guess you wouldn't be surprised that I dont know who 50% of the people living in my house are, at any one time....DAG that PESKY NEED to be more informed!
Well, what are we looking at as far as operating costs per month? I like it here, this is better than therapy, it lifts my spirits.
Hi Merry, The cost to run this site is a paltry $20 bucks a month. There was never a chance this site was going under due to cash flow. Soooo why the split? Don't know, I guess you'd have to ask Chuck. Robin has raised enough money through contributins to keep the site active for at least a year. Anyone can donate, (see little yellow Donate button on right side of screen) I think her goal was to raise enough for 2 years, but did not hear if that goal was reached, but I have to think it was. And if it wasn't, I am sure it will be reached in time to keep us up and running next year too.
As far as generating more members, I admit I am clueless. Welcoming new members seemed like a good idea, so the opther day, I posted on several newbies walls, welcoming them and telling them to feel free to ask me if they had any questions. (I limited myself to guys, cause I didn't want to give the wrong impression to any of the ladies) Anyway, I got zero response to my posts. It has only been a couple of days, so I still hope to hear from some of them.
PA, says he may be the last one here. Well, all I have to say, is that he won't be alone.
Ditto Dude
Hope you are feeling well
Thanks Bull, I'm much better, but still have a ways to go.
Now your talkin' Merry! I've always had an interest in 'the internet'; somewhere I harbor this vague notion that it might even be the 'media format of THE FUTURE'.. Imagine having in on CBS at it's inception...(Grandiosity...isnt it grand? But I digress...)

So I know that operating costs can be extremely low (provided you have lots of amphetamines). Technology changes (!!!) but there (used to be, at least) Wiki-type social networking platform packages (where everyone, in a sense, developes the site). That was all well and fine, in theory, unfortunately, by the time you got through reading the instructions, the technology had changed. Understand be the fact that the DEVIL is in THE DETAILS.

Which is not to say it cant be done. (What is this 'ning' thing anyway? An attempt to put an end to private networking sites?) And questions, (which is why I like your response so much, Merry) are good. Others might include:
*what was the peak TBD population, when did it wax and wane, (could that be coorelated to some 'event' ) and where did they all go? Did they stay there? Were the people who were active here, also equally active elsewhere?

*was 'pay perclick' advertising the expected revenue generator? Or was there a magazine or TV tie-in (like Oprah, who clearly would be no way so rich, were it not for that TV show...)

*what 'role' did 'audience participation' play in generating format, content? was there a 'five year' plan?

*surely market research studies were done. Where in lay the discrepency between them and the 'doomed truth'.

I have a very hard time understanding why this thing would not have worked. It's a great idea It should (it seems) be the facebook for our age group, generating billions. Wouldn't you think? So...?
Godforbid the bar should close! Nooooooo! (one noteworthy point: people made fortunes dring prohibition...) MS

So....it's come to this....
theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome theresnoplacelikehome




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