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The summer that wasn't 2 Replies

Started by Ramon Parrish. Last reply by Sailspinner Sep 12, 2014.

Tropical Storm Andrea

Started by Seashelly Jun 6, 2013.

Spring? Is It Hear Yet??

Started by GrandPaGardener Apr 5, 2013.


Started by Seashelly Mar 26, 2013.

We Dodged Another (Weather) Bullet!

Started by GrandPaGardener Mar 25, 2013.

Winter Makes A Strong Return!

Started by GrandPaGardener Mar 20, 2013.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Started by Seashelly Mar 17, 2013.

Here Comes Saturn?

Started by GrandPaGardener Mar 4, 2013.


Started by Teddy Feb 19, 2013.

Well, It's Snowing................

Started by GrandPaGardener Feb 19, 2013.

Happy Birthday GrandPaGardener!

Started by Seashelly Feb 13, 2013.

Snow Boots, Sun Tan Lotion, and Umbrellas

Started by GrandPaGardener Feb 10, 2013.

Need Snow - NOW!!!

Started by GrandPaGardener Feb 6, 2013.

Is This Spring?? 10 Replies

Started by GrandPaGardener. Last reply by Seashelly Jan 29, 2013.

Very hot dry and quite a number of bush fires 2 Replies

Started by Teddy Jan 26, 2013.

Winter is Now Here! 12 Replies

Started by GrandPaGardener. Last reply by GrandPaGardener Jan 18, 2013.

Is This Really January ??? 5 Replies

Started by GrandPaGardener. Last reply by Seashelly Jan 8, 2013.

OK, Now Where is My Snow?? 8 Replies

Started by GrandPaGardener. Last reply by Seashelly Jan 3, 2013.

Happy New Year! 8 Replies

Started by Seashelly. Last reply by Seashelly Jan 1, 2013.

Winter is Officially Here! 8 Replies

Started by GrandPaGardener. Last reply by Ladyg Dec 23, 2012.

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Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 18, 2013 at 4:36pm


Sink Hole Update!http:



Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 18, 2013 at 2:40pm

Hi Chief!

That is typical for sink holes in general!

However, here in Chicago, it normally means the city has a leaking water pipe, or sewer pipe that hadn't been repaired! So time will tell what the culprit was!!!

Had to be out of the house E A R L Y this AM. Think I was the only one dumb enough to be out on the road! Glad I took the Jeep, otherwise I would have not made it thru! Would have had to turn around and go home! However, when food is involved............. Our breakfast group creed is -  Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds off the farmers fields, or flooded roads will keep  us from making our appointed breakfast rounds. 

In the event the snow gets too deep, I just take the 4WD Jeep and pick people up on the way. That way I end up with a free breakfast! - LOL...........

So Chief, how was the Cat Fish????


Comment by Sailspinner on April 18, 2013 at 1:12pm

Is it my imagination or are we increasingly hearing about new sinkholes?  In FL it's the sinking water table but what would cause it in Chicago?  We lived next to a big sinkhole in IN & it was as good as air conditioning in summer.

Sorry about your grass seed, Al & I hope Chief hasn't floated away. Or left on an ark.  Geez - feast or famine. 

Good luck, you guys.

My friend in CO just wrote that Denver & Colorado Springs had snow, then freezing rain.  At least it isn't that cold.

Comment by Seashelly on April 18, 2013 at 12:08pm

I really for you Al, you are trying to get the yard and gardens ready and then you get the flooding rains. Sorry to hear about all the money you have lost. That is truly an amazing amount of rainfall to get in one day's time. 

It is 81 at 3 pm. Still sunny and no storms as of yet. We have a severe t'storm warning now. Lots of static on the weather radio, that is annoying.

Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 18, 2013 at 11:45am

Afternoon Gang!

Yup, the sink hole is in Chicago, down on the south side!

Don't care what the weather folks say, but since the beginning of the week, we've had between 10 - 12" of rain. Six inches of that was in the last 24 Hrs alone!

Ya, I lost all the seed and fertilizer I put down this week. So that's lots of $$$$$$$$$$ down the drain! So guess i'll wait till the rain stops!!


Comment by Seashelly on April 18, 2013 at 7:13am

This is so terrible to hear Al, I hope and pray that the heavy rains lets up. Plus you went through all the hard work of putting down grass seed.  I feel bad for you. I just saw on the news about a sinkhole and 3-4 cars going into the hole, that was in Northern Illinois.  I also heard of a sinkhole in MO. Crazy weather!

Sorry about your front yard being under water, Chief. I to pray that your heavy rains slows down. 

It is 67 sunny, humid degrees at 10 am.  Feels like beach weather!!!!!!  Tornado Watch to the South of me, and now just issued tornado watch to the North of me.  Lucas county is not in a watch as of yet, thank goodness!!!!

Be Safe Everyone!

Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 18, 2013 at 2:52am

Help! - We're floating away!

Chief - Can't contact ARK Inc.  as their Web Site is Down. Local company will only take cash!!!

Seriously, it's been raining all night long. Weather alarm indicates some rain was falling at 1.5 " per hour! my 5 Gal bucket has around 4" in it so far, with more rain on the way!

Our creek has gone on a rampage, and is overflowing it's banks and cutting across our lot. It's ironic, as I put down grass seed yesterday. So I guess I can kiss that good by!

Bummer.... Hope I don't have to swim out this afternoon!!!! - AL

Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 17, 2013 at 8:59pm

We are still under some torrential bands of rain!

Sending on SOS messages to ARK Inc. for their large ARK to evacuate US ASAP!

Winds continue to blow tonight, and expect to continue thru the rest of the night! Doesn't sound as if it's going to get any better!


Comment by Seashelly on April 17, 2013 at 5:51pm

Good Evening!

Was a sunny morning here.  Most of the afternoon and evening has been cloudy and windy. There has been a cool East wind coming off Lake Erie.  It is 49 at 8:46 pm.  Overnight we will have showers and possibility of thundershowers.  This Spring has been nutz, temps have fluxuated so much. 

Have a nice evening and night, everyone! ~ Michelle

Comment by GrandPaGardener on April 17, 2013 at 4:33pm

Chief! Your not alone!

We've have had severe bands of wind and rain blowing thru N IL throughout the day, and it's doesn't appear it's going to let up anytime soon!

Tomorrow in the 70's, then SNOW tomorrow night! It's NUTS!

Several yrs ago, we contracted Ark Inc. in the event our creek went above flood stage #2. - LOL!!

Good Luck! and stay dry!!!!



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