TBD on Ning

Guess the movie,book or song using the hints given in the preceding post.

Then put up hints about a book, movie or song.

Make them as explicit or obscure as you want.

This can be pictures, quotes, discriptions, or video clips.


The name or title of the subject you provide hints about must start with the letter of the alphabet which follows the first letter of the subject that you have identified. When we reach the end of the alphabet we start over with "A"


EXAMPLE: HINT: "Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn". 


Movie; "Gone with the Wind" (starts with a G)


NEXT HINT: The bellhop's dressed in black.


ANSWER: SONG; "Heartbreak Hotel" (starts with a H)


I'll start it off. The answer to this one has to start with an "A". 


Hint: Down the Rabbit Hole" 


Tags: Alphabet, books, movies, songs

Views: 1312

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Is it The Freshman?


♪ ♫ ♪...and when she passes
each man she passes
goes Aaah!

When she moves it's like a samba
that swings so cool and sways so gently
that when she passes
each man she passes
goes Aaah!

Oh - but he watches so sadly
How - can he tell her he loves her
He - would just give his heart gladly

But each day when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead not at he

Tall and tanned and young and lovely...♪ ♫ ♪
too easy, Quinn.

The Girl from Ipanema. (and are you eavesdropping on me, btw? I had that song in my head the other day & could not stop whistling it!)


The band name is also a color & the song title- we have to do it, or else.
Harlequin?!!!!? The song..."Survive"?!!!!?


Something we share with our significant other.

The band name is also a color & the song title- we have to do it, or else.

Is it a color or a synonym for the word color...cause if it's HUEy Lewis and the News, I'm not playing.
TSD & Quinn, you're both wrong. Have I stumped you?
Quinn, the color is an actual color that's in the band name.
The title of the song begins w/our "H". But there's another word in the title to which I'm giving this hint:
we all must do this regularly, or else.
One new hint: it has a beat that you can.... well... I enjoy this song when I'm engaged in... a particularly enjoyable activity. '-)
Is it Sister Hazel?
The song has a color name in it???
The song does NOT have a color name in it; only the band name.
The song is from the band's 2002 debut album.
What MUST we do to survive, but sometimes it's difficult?
when you guys get finished with obscure bands I'll return, (:>)

But, I couldn't find a colorful band name to go along with that.


I'm moving on...


A Doctor returns his small town practice to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors. He is initially skeptical, especially when the alleged dopplegängers are able to answer detailed questions about their victim's lives, but he is eventually persuaded that something odd has happened and determines to find out what is causing this phenomenon.
Sorry, Quinn. I was a little murky on my deliveries this weekend, so b/t the 2 of us we must've created a "Who's on First?" '-)
Well, no wonder I didn't get that one. I HATE Maroon 5. I can proudly say that I've never heard more than two of their "songs", as evidenced by the fact that I haven't carved out my own ear bones as a way of cleansing them of the contamination. Like, Ick.

Speaking of "Ick", would the answer to "I" be..."Invasion Of The Body Snatchers"?


Probably THE least-understood and under-appreciated popular band of the 60's, this San Francisco psychedelic sextet spent the early years of their career trying to destroy the Top 40 image that their unexpected hit singles had placed upon them.




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