TBD on Ning

Pru's "Genetically Famous?" thread got me to thinking about famous people I've rubbed elbows with here & there along my journey thus far.

How about it - what famous people have you rubbed elbows with?

Tags: Name_Dropping, Rubbing_Elbows

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You gonna tell us first? :-)
I've rubbed elbows with.... Governor George Wallace - I have memories of him tossing me up in the air when I was 3/4/5 years old & asking me, "How's my little tow-head doing?" ...Governor Bill Clinton (pre-presidency), Senator Al Gore (pre-vice-presidency), Elton John, 2 Archbishops & a published writer. The published writer prays for me ALL the time.... I haven't decided if that's a good thing or not. And one of the Archbishops, who was one of my dearest friends EVAH, used to try to convert me to the dark side of Rush Limbaughism. He never succeeded. He did, however, convert me posthumously (posthumously on his part, not mine) to a rich & wonderful Catholic faith. He was smooth that way; snuck in the back door, took me by surprise. ;-p
Oh, I literally bumped into Ted Koppel once, but that's not enough elbow rubbing to count. He just raised an eyebrow at me, I apologized & we moved on.
I've met a number of local athletes because of a couple of charities I was involved with.
Dined with the ex-Mayor, now Governor.

I've met Phil Keoghan (The Amazing Race) and Bryan Cranston (Malcolm In The Middle). Both are friends of my Uncle.
I've shared elevators with Donald Trump and Timothy Hutton.
O, and, that lunch I had with a Senator from Illinois.
Quinn, does that senator now hold a higher office?
He would Bull :-)
What? You had lunch w/a PARTICULAR Senator from Illinois?? Did you?? I wanna talk to you! Call me!
Oh, you don't have my tel #. :-(
PM me! Dish!
Shook hands with George Strait and Larry Hagman while photographing a charity event some years ago.
Let me think for a while. How famous do they have to be?
Country music people: Vince Gill, Diamond Rio, George Stait, Dolly Parton, Naomi Judd, Martina McBride, and Johnny Cash
Other music people: Jimmy Buffett, Neil Daimond and Darius Rucker
Movie stars: none
Politicains; Al Gore, Lamar Alexander, Bill Frist, Rep. John Tanner and former Senator Estes Kefauver
I'm thinking that's pretty darn famous PA ;-)
I can't think of a single famous person I've ever met or hob nobbed with.

I guess I might look too shifty.....any time I'm at some venue with a famous person, I'm usually pulled out of the crowd and deposited outside.
Mike Tyson. When he trained in Upstate NY he was dating a girl that lived next door to my parents.
I've met Suzan, Larry Kremis and his beautiful wife KittyC, and Robbie. Those are some pretty impressive people!!!!




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