TBD on Ning

First, here, May 14, 2009, is when Rand Paul announced his intention to run for the Senate in Kentucky.  He made his announcement while appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/20/rand-paul-tells-maddow-th_...

He did run and won the Republican Primary to be the candidate for the November 2010 election.  And once again appeared on Rachel Maddow's Show, May 19, 2010, where he made some very controversial remarks about racism and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show...

Today, on Laura Ingram's show Rand Paul is trying to back pedal.  He made similar remarks against the Civil Rights Legislation on NPR and on Joe Scarborough's show. His back pedaling is amusing, he says he shouldn't  have appeared on Rachel's show. Ok he now insists he would not try to repeal the Civil Rights law.  Still there is much to think about.  Just what does Rand Paul believe and what do the people who voted for him believe?

Politico is reporting his back pedaling: http://www.politico.com/playbook/0510/playbook1054.html

Rand Paul's remarks left other Republicans in tizzy, the racism they promote for vote getting is supposed to be kept swept under the carpet.

Really peculiar part of the Rachel Interview, comparing the right to refuse service similar to the right for a business owner to forbid carrying a firearm into a business.

Personally, I think they, the Republicans, should like Rand Paul, be open about it and let the nation really decide, do we continue the back stroke to the past, with Republicans, or do we move forward, as we Liberal/Commie/Nazi/Marxist/Socialst/Progressive/Democrats have been trying to do since the 1960s?

If I have have seen the racism in Republican Party political campaigns, I am certain others have as well, both those who are for it and those who are against racism.

Be open, tell us what you really think, why hide it if you believe it?

Tags: America, Kentucky, Party, Paul, Rand, Tea, politics, racism

Views: 42

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I read an article today on The Daily Beast that declared Rand had ducked the issue. I didn't see it that way. He said what he believed to be politically correct for his mindset. Why is everyone acting like this is a new viewpoint? Nothing was said that I haven't heard before now. He was speaking to some portion of his base in my opinion.

I prefer for the sheets to be off. (no pun intended)

Is his opinion racist? That depends on how you feel about his observations and statements. I happen to feel that his feelings are not my problem-at least not yet. He is going to be a problem to the GOP and the TP. They are the ones who want to appear to be anti-racist. But it looks like Rand is going to represent his views in this manner. People who agree with him will support that stance.
Yeah, it always seems to be a problem for some conservatives when they speak what's on their minds. He seems to suggest that private businesses should be able to discriminate on whatever basis they choose.
His stance is pure Libertarian: The government has no right to tell any private business, or person for that matter, how it can and cannot conduct business and who it can...and cannot serve." If he'd just STICK to his guns...I'd have a great deal of respect for him. Sadly, he's waffling like cheap plywood left in the rain too long...and his ship is sinking faster than the Titanic.
I am reminded of a quote from Dr. King...

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Rand Paul is not a polished politician so he thinks it is alright to say what you think and what he thinks is more stupid than racist. Not that he is not racist just that in this case stupid trumps rasist as one of his many problems.
I saw him on Rachel. He should have realized that no sloppy thinking would go unchallenged there. But he was so sure of himself. I am convinced that he himself in his personal life is not a racist. (Like the man said, Tiger Woods can golf now, and prob'ly he has black friends).
In his dewey newness, he doesn't seem to realize that his policies might have practical consequences, and further, that brown people can still vote - and in his state. And they will, with enthusiasm.
"...that brown people can still vote - and in his state. And they will, with enthusiasm."

I heard the hew and cry from the GOOP after their last Convention about being the ALL INCLUSIVE party...and they went out of their way to show that there were people of color on the floor of the convention. (all 9 of them, according to MSNBC). They wail and moan that they're being misrepresented and point to Michael Steele and say..."SEE...WE HAVE A BLACK MAN AS OUR CHAIRMAN!"

Then they champion the Arizona fiasco and send someone like Rand Paul out to run for Senate and wonder why minorities shy away from them in DROVES!!!
Maybe he is just a segregationist. Blaming Rachel for this problem is foolish. She just asked him to clarify his position. When Blitzer asked him point blank if he would have voted yay or nay on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, there was a awkward moment of hesitation before he grudgingly said he would vote yes. That lie must have hurt making its way past his lips.
I watched his interview with Rachael Maddow and I was stunned...really.

First off, for ANY politician to allow himself to be trapped like that smacks of someone not quite ready for prime time. Better he cut his teeth in the state house someplace.

Next...I left with respect for the man. He demonstrated (THEN AT LEAST) that he's a man with firm convictions and principles...and he stands (or stood) behind them. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind. I don't AGREE with him, but at least he had the courage of his convictions...THEN. Frankly, I had a lot of respect for him when the interview ended. We need more people in Congress willing to say what they stand for in such clear terms.

Since then, boy....have we seen FLOP from FLIP!!! I mean.... "This is a smear campaign started by a democratic leaning news network..." "What I meant to say was...." "That's not what I said originally and I don't care what the newspaper article you have in your hand says..." "What was the question again?"

Talk about someone foisted on his own petards!

(Oh...and my respect for the man is falling like a stone.)
I guess I'm a little more selective about who I have respect for.
My initial respect was for a man willing to stand up and not compromise his principles. That's what I saw during that interview...although it didn't take long for him to get that "deer in the headlights" look as he saw the freight train of history rushing past and leaving him at the crossing.

Since then, he's managed to show his politician chops by waffling with the best of them. Sad. Racist he may be, but had he at least STOOD SOLID...I'd still have respected him...disagreed with him...but respected him.
You must have had a great deal respect for George W. Bush. I've rarely seen a person to never made a mistake, until George.




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