TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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I don't have anything to rant and rave about today, ain't that a bitch, WTF am I gonna do?
There's a scratching post you can take your aggressions out on, Beth...!!!LOL!!!
Quinn, s'alright!!! I thought I'd qualify my post. Had almost forgotten the duration of time that Mr. Dinkins failed to pay his taxes.
What? This is a game? I don't think so. MARIA!!! I can hear her snickering.

Rant II - "Jane, stop this crazy thing!!!"
I'm lost. Did someone remove a post, making yours difficult to get?
Humor him. Just don't make any sudden moves when he's like this, though....
(ok. thanks, Snagg)
Did somebody just twitch?
no. absolutely not. no one made a single, solitary move. shhh..... all's still & quiet here.
damn need to cut the darn grass ( i mean weeds, and crabgrass) again. Why does it grow so fast?
I'm just glad I bet against the weather report and cut mine last night. Today they prognosticated 50% chance of spotty showers. It has rained/drizzled all day. Let's see how close they got for tomorrow's prediction.

By the way, the movement ban has been lifted.
whew. I was getting tired of holding my breath. You started, I guess.




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