TBD on Ning

My friend Lloyd turned me on to this growing movement called the Coffee Party. Here is the web site.


What follows is a post that Lloyd wrote about the Coffee Party and some questions contained in a letter he wrote to Mitch McConnell.

After watching Annabel Clark's YouTube video,  explaining how the Coffee Party began, I decided to make my first contribution to the Coffee Party and write a letter to Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.


Why Mitch McConnell?  Because he has been on the forefront in opposition to President Obama's efforts at reforming health care here in the United States.

"If the Democrats' health care bill passes, every Republican running in an election this fall will campaign on repealing it", Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday.

"You ignore the overwhelming desires of the American people at your own peril," McConnell said. "This is politically toxic in the extreme."

In the spirit of Annabel's statement I decided to remain civil and ask Senator McConnell a few questions regarding his stance against health care reform.

I wanted to know how it is fiscally responsible for uninsured Americans to use their local hospital emergency rooms as their primary physicians office at a cost up to 10 times that of a primary physician.  I gave him the example of treating an ear infection at a local hospital emergency room, costing nearly $1000, as opposed to the same treatment costing under $100 at a primary physician's office.  I asked him if he knew that the American tax-payer pays the bill in both cases.

I wanted to know why it's ok for him to have the best tax-payer funded health care in America while those same tax-payers aren't entitled to the same coverage.  I suggested that he and all those opposed to the President's plans  immediately cancel their tax-payer funded health care plans and buy coverage on the open market.

I wanted to know how he felt knowing that the majority of bankruptcies now being filed in America are due to medical costs.

These are just a few questions I posed to the Senator.  I hope he responds.  If not, I hope he at least do a little soul searching and find some compassion for those with pre-existing conditions who have no where to turn.

In watching Annabel's video, one of the words she used several times was "Obstructionist".  I believe this best describes the actions of many on the Right.

I hope my letter was written in the true spirit of the Coffee Party.  I bit my tongue a few times trying not to be disrespectful to the Senator.

Tell me what you think.  Feel free to copy and paste or edit this letter and send it to your own Congressional or Senatorial representative.

Doing nothing is no longer an option.



Lloyd "Proud Democrat" and now "Proud Coffee Party Member".

Tags: America, Politics, coffee_party, grassroots, honesty

Views: 36

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I presume that means you have given up whining in the face of utter humiliation and total defeat? Now why do I find that hard to believe . . . it must be the vengeance with which you would deny every green shoot . . .
From what I've seen so far, if you're laughing, then the coffee party must be on the mark.
He didn't answer about the insult this bigot made about the president, that means he also concur with this hate radio brainless show host. These people are bring down this country. They are turning back the clock to stoneages.
Just your part of this country, James.
* give me *you owe me attitude!I am so sick in tired of the whoa is me attitudes of the left(why is everyone picking on me).The Government owes You nothing. Its job is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. To make sure that my GOD given rights are not stolen from me by cry babies. In return we pay taxes to keep our armies and schools(property taxes). Fire police departments and elected officials.Out of the goodness of the american hearts we started welfare as a stop gap to help those in need not because the country owed them anything.All of this brings back to mind the saying about America-Love it or Leave it!
Cynthia, that is the biggest sack of shit I've heard in a long, long time. First you think you're tired? Honey, you have no frakking idea what it is to be tired of hearing people moan about being punished by taxation, after receiving the biggest middle class tax cut in a very long time. The government owes me accountability, respectfulness and responsiveness in the face of natural or human caused disasters. It might not be able to respond, but it damn sure better try. The government owes its citizens protection from enemies foreign and domestic, even when those enemies are natural-born white, gun-toting, bullies that like to call themselves "patriots." You might like it if everyone that disagreed with you would go away, but that's not going to happen. Not by a long shot. We are going to stay around, defending, criticizing, and working to better this country, no matter what party or what administration is in charge. And we'll do it because it is our right, our privilege, and our responsibility to strive to improve this nation. And if you think you can tell any of us to "love it or leave it," we have two words for you which I will not sully these pages by writing. You can use your imagination, if you can find it.
The government owes me accountability, respectfulness and responsiveness in the face of natural or human caused disasters.

I'm making the assumption that you're speaking of the Federal government here, Vernon, though your tirade is to fuzzy to tell for sure. Under our constitution, the Federal government owes you very little beyond a standing army. Except that, the States and your ballot box take care of business.
You realize, of course, that no one was talking to you, don't you Lawrence? Your response here is a perfect illustration of why I largely ignore your posts and refuse to waste bandwith responding to such nonsense. You may engage with others, if they choose to do so. It's not worth my time.
Cynthia, here's the preamble to the Constitution of the United States:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitu... )

Note certain KEY PHRASES such as "promote the general Welfare" (and no, it does not mean the same as "welfare").

Protecting you from enemies foreign and domestic is in there, but is only a part of it. Part of the problem is who gets to define "domestic enemies," since I get the sense that Conservatives see far MORE domestic enemies than Liberals do, and that we also define them very, very differently. There are some that considered Timothy McVeigh a hero, for instance. I considered him a domestic enemy.
I know which welfare and I had to memorize the Preamble before I could graduate the 6th grade. I was talking about how our government has become a care taker! Our forefathers were smart people if they wanted big brother to take care of us they would have said so!
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