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I think the Senate has become obsolete so I found this article which is actually from yesterday. I guess others are exploring this idea but I've felt it for a while. 

Other articles date back to July of 2009. I even found one exploring the senate being obsolete dating back to the 70s.

In my opinion (and I'm being bi-partisan here) Senate BAD-Congress GOOD!!!!!

Has the Senate Become Obsolete 

by J — MNPublius http://mnpublius.com

I’m starting to wonder if our Senate as it works right now can really still play a role in governing this country, or if it has become an obsolete relic of an earlier time. With hundreds of bills stalled in the Senate, now one single Senator is able to block legislation supported by 99 others — and, incredibly, there seems to be nothing they can do about it.

These are a few related issues; all of which come down to abuse of parliamentary tactics in an increasingly contentious environment. First, consider the filibuster, and this fact: There have been “the same number of cloture motions between January 2009 and today as between World War I and the moon landing.” While the filibuster is a long-standing procedure in the Senate, it has never been used with this intensity before, and it’s pushing the limits of what the Senate can withstand.

Second is the hold, which Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning is currently using to hold hostage an extension of employment benefits. Bunning is one single Senator, but he is stopping the entire Senate from moving forward with crucial business. As such, over a million have lost unemployment benefits, thousands of contractors for the Department of Transportation have had to be furloughed, and now the hold has triggered a sharp decline in MediCare reimbursements. Our government seems to be coming apart at the seems from the stubbornness of a single individual.

Finally, there’s the issue of reconciliation. It is the one procedure that can cut through the Senate’s red tape, but Republicans who supported reconciliation when they were in power are now acting as if this is some sort of new, unprecedented tactic. Lamar Alexander even went so far as to say it would “end the Senate.” While that’s an absurd statement, I admit that I’m starting to find myself thinking that wouldn’t be such a terrible thing.

Now here's a Senator that deserves support

Sen. Bernie Sanders Socialist Democrat from VT

Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist, but because he does not belong to a formal political party, he appears as an independent on the ballot. He is the first person elected to the U.S. Senate to identify as a socialist. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments. He was also the only independent member of the House during much of his service there.



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20070 obama said using this method to pass a health care bill should nevet be done.
Thank God our Forefathers understood that balance was needed. To bad Bertnnie boy does not understand the oath he took.
Health reform has already passed the Senate with a super-majority. I assume by "this method," you refer to reconciliation. This is to be used for budgetary tweaks to the Senate bill, as I understand it.
Yes Cynthia, I too am glad they designed the reconciliation process.
The Senate hasn't changed. The attitude of the Senators has. Remember the lengths to which one party was willing to go to secure the White House in 2000. Much of the rancor and acrimony we are seeing now came from that election fiasco and the intervention of the Supreme Court.
True. That's why people have been leaving the Republican party—at least as a choice for self-identification. I keep hearing that. Republicans don't recognize themselves in what their party has become.
Yeah, give me Mr. Smith in the senate any time compared to the jokers we have there now.
In my opinion (and I'm being bi-partisan here) Senate BAD-Congress GOOD!!!!!

More fuzzy argument, this time from Mark. The Senate is part of Congress. Obviously you don't get the concept of checks and balances. What's next? do away with the Supreme court next time they disagree with you?
Wrong again Lawrence. Senate and Congress are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS!!!!! Google it. DUH!!!!!
Sorry but I think semantics here is the problem
Here is the wording in the constitution

Article I - The Legislative Branch Note

Section 1 - The Legislature

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
You are mixing up the term Congress with the term House of Representatives. People from the House of Representatives are Representatives. Those from the Senate are Senators. Both are Congressmen and both are legislators. Note that the l in legislators is not capitolized, since it isn't a personal title.
Capitalized. Just in case anyone was wondering.

But I'm with Larry and Bull, Congress is comprised of both bodies.

But you know, in the 30's Rooseveldt got sick of the Supreme Court slamming the New Deal legislation and wanted to have an amendment passed that would allow for 15 justices instead of the 9 he had. I'm thinking that periodically, we grow disenchanted with the various branches of Government and want all the members drawn and quartered. Typically it's the Executive Branch that takes the most heat, but hating Congress is like the first day of Pheasant Season, there's so much more to shoot at.
But I think it's nice that as voters we are indiscriminating and long for the heads of ALL our public officials.

Long Live the Republic.




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