They are owned by the insurance companies. Actually most of our government is owned by insurance companies and other big money interests. And it is going to get worse.
Why don't the republicans and some loud hypocrat senior citzens don't cancel their "goverment" run health care system, and buy their own insuance from the free market. We have seen many confused seniors in the town hall meeting last summer, shouting obscenity and saying "We don't want govenement run health care. Please, if you want discussion, atleast be honest, that the first ground rule to have constuctive dialogue. Other wise, it is just a waste of time and useless. As we have seen the other day, almost all of the repblicans were making speeches for the camera (rehearsed, and the same old empty slogans).
If I had a magic wand, I'd like to have conservatives who advocate for "free market" health care and insurance, have to live under those conditions and the ramifications resulting from them. Progressives would have to do the same thing with the same rules. Wonder which camp would attract the most converts?