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Yeah, that was GREAT!!!!! Saw it last night on Rachel.
Sigh.....If even HALF of the Demoncraps that were elected had the gonads this man displays....the GOOP would be on the RUN, looking for the rock they crawled from under.
What an idiot!! No insurance company in the history of the world, for instance, has "driven up taxes". Taxes go up when legislators like this moron levy higher taxes. Do left wing people really believe this kind of drivel?
Lawrence, Did you watch any other part of the show. Can you explain how elderly people are going to get health care if it is not supplied through a system funded by taxes? How many 70 to 90 year old people do you know who have suffecient funds to pay for a battle against prostrate cancer? Can you explain the rational for not allowing medicare to negotiate with providers for the pricing of perscription drugs?
I will read any explanations /suggestions you have for improving the health care system in this country. I might not agree with them, but I will consider them.
Robbie, I am an elderly people and I have been doing just fine with my health care, thank you. Now this socialist administration wants to do away with my medicare advantage plan which has been serving me just fine. At least 2 of my friends are in the battle against prostate cancer at present and doing OK financially.


Stop the ban on selling health coverage across state lines. It only applies to some people, not all. cost to the taxpayer, $000,000,000,000.00

Limit outlandish jury awards cost to taxpayer, $000,000,000.00 Cost to trial lawyers assn, loss of their large percentage of these awards. Cost to congressmen Heavy loss in money coming in from the trial lawyer's association.

The Obama administration has never even considered just these two measures, since they contribute nothing to socializing our society. The second suggestion, BTW, would address the single biggest factor in driving up healthcare costs, but, alas, it socializes nothing.
Don't be silly, Wanda,if the Obama administration "DID want the limiting of outlandish jury awards", It would be in there.

Selling across state lines allows competition for healthcare customers. For instance, I have healthcare coverage from an adjoining State due to special circumstances. It costs me much less than comparable coverage would cost me in my State. Lucky me.

BTW healthcare insurance companies are just business, like any other. They are in business to make a profit. We as a society opened up a market for them when we decided that we would rather pay them for coverage than take a chance on having to pay a huge medical bill ourselves. Now that we have spent 50-75 years in this arrangement, some of the folks of your thinking style have decided that it should all be free and provided by the Government.

If insurance companies are such fiends, why dont you just go back to paying your own doctor bills?
"ummmmmm I DO pay my own doctor bills, Lawrence, you dolt! I have no insurance because I can't afford insurance as a single mom and full time student.


Why would you think that I'd be happy that you and your kids have no healthcare coverage? Of course that doesn't make me happy!

However, I believe that the surest route to making healthcare coverage available to you and your family is by doing concrete things, to first, lower the cost of medical care itself, (the most efficient way of accomplishing this is limiting huge jury awards) and then make the price of insurance coverage more competetive through the customers ability to shop for insurance rather than be limited to the coverage the government allows that person to have. Socialized medicine is not the answer.
Not exactly, the public option is not competition between health insurance providers, a healthy thing to bring down premium costs. It is a government run monopoly that, having no costs of it's own which are not subsidised by the taxpayer, simply drives the insurance companys out of business, while no one can ever pin down what their healthcare is costing them through the combination of healthcare coverage payments to "the plan" and other taxes levied to support the system. This is not even to mention the abysimal level of care the program degenerates into when it's the only kid on the block.
I'm happy to hear that your kids have coverage anyway. Is that coverage very expensive for you? To answer your question, insurance companies are just like any other business in that they have to have a positive cash flow to stay in business long term.
"1. What exactly is the problem with me, getting affordable insurance, no matter who provides it?"

No problem, pac, unless you are expecting the government to force an insurance company to give you a higher level of care than your premium level can pay for, thereby driving that company out of business.
As Rachel said, it isn't the fault of the for profit health care industry that the cost of health care has become unaffordable to about 20% maybe 30% of Americans. It is the fault of our political system. In order to function for the benefit of the people, some things have to be properly regulated. That is where the fault lies. Lousy regulation.




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