TBD on Ning

My friend Dexter South gave me permission to share this post he had written with the group as he doesn't spend much time here anymore. Dexter lives in Texas and has seen a lot in his life. He writes from the heart and I admire his courage. His post follows...

I am old enough to remember the Ku Klux Klan from the old days. They held big rallies, had parades and made a lot of speeches just like the Tea baggers of today do. But that is not where the
similarity stops.

Back then, the country didn’t have the benefit of the education to whites by the civil rights and educated those who lived through it. Whites learned a great deal since the 50’s about blacks.
We were educated how our actions, thoughts and words affected the people “of
color” and we learned the same applies to all non-whites. But there are some
who learned nothing. And now we have middle-aged white adults who have no first
hand memories and did not experience what those of us did who lived through the
60’s and 70,s as adults.

However there are some who don’t care and are so self centered, greedy, bigoted and ignorant they have developed the same resentments and emotions displayed before the civil rights movement. Some of
the hold over bigots, from the old days, who are bitter and resentful that the
rest of the world had moved on, started to legitimize those ways. By pulling in
issues like abortion and taxes they sucked in the ignorant. Through use of the
talk show host and politicians they picked issues that would attract the
wealthy and the privileged. This drew people like Rupert Murdock who created an
empire of wealth with radio shows and his marketing invention, Fox News. They
learned pandering to the rich, the bigoted and people who were deeply disturbed
with resentments; millions could be made in advertising dollars. Through the
art of “buzz wording” and the old bigots trade of using code words, they all
mastered a sophisticated code language and evil composite ideology, which
enlisted religious fervor from groups that were formed from the old anti-abolition
south like the Southern Baptist Convention.

Taking this all together, with the bigots who left the Democrat party over the Civil Rights Act, they took over the Republican party and hired an actor named Ronald Reagan to soft sell their
ideas and take over the government of the Untied States. While publicly
displaying a face of fake rationalism and common sense, the rich part of the
movement took over and started a systematic rape of the federal Government and
its money. The wealthy succeeded in using the bigoted and ignorant as a front
to pilfer the people’s money.

Now a black man has been voted President largely because the right wing went too far and thought they had a patsy in G W Bush who would garner everyone’s attention long enough to really rape the
country and pilfer the coffers. While giving their big business cronies the
sign to go all out and rape and pillage for all they could get. But GWB was
more stupid than they thought and their friends were greedier than they ever
imagined. A black president was the straw that broke the camels back.

The truest of bigots got mad and started the Tea bagger movement. It turns out to be a perfect place for the worst of our society to find a home. They try real hard to hide their racism, but they
can’t! The KKK and the Tea baggers are the same, just a newer and more socially
ignorant version. Of course today, they need to try and hide their racism to
keep from loosing all credibility but it wont work. People who resent
minorities, the greedy and the bigoted can never hide completely. Conservative
ideologies like this all were festering into a big rotten sore that infects a
nation and makes it ill. Sooner or later the rest of us wake up and kill the

Tags: America, Klan, Klux, Ku, Party, Tea, history, politics

Views: 32

Replies to This Discussion

How very sad, that this man believes that.The Tea party isnt about color although those who are afraid of it try to tag it as bigoted.
The Tea Party is about those who are elected who dont listen to the people who but them in office, it is about the defecit,it isnt about the color of one mans skin.
Go ahead and believe that if you feel you must. Just know that you are wrong.
Speaking as a moderator, I think we should all know that personal attacks are completely unnecessary and unwarranted. We may disagree strongly, but please let's remain civil, Ron. Thanks.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If the rest of us are content to allow the tea bag movement to grab the attention, drive the narrative, and disproportionately influence elections and policy, than we deserve what we get.

We are annoyed that our elected officials don't have any spine, but they are just mirroring us. We are the ones that need to find a spine. We are the ones in need of a shock. The tea bag movement needs to be recognized for what and who it is, exposed, and then put into perspective.

They are a backlash against the Obama administration. Every single thing they complain about was occurring in the previous administration for eight (long) years and they were pretty much fine with it, including the pseudo accounting that kept the true cost of the war off the budget books. It was only when this particular president took office, that the dog whistles began to blow in earnest accompanied by the coded language so easily recognized on both sides of the political spectrum. The signage at the tea party rallies says it all. You'll see less and less of that moving forward, not because their views have changed but because they are trying to seem less extreme.

Now, of course, there will be an effort to try and rehabilitate their image. Still, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is likely to be a duck. Due in large part to the anti-Obama rhetoric, anti-immigrant sentiment, and the racial homogeneity of the movement, the tea parties will be safe havens for right-wing hate groups for the foreseeable future. Oh, there will a few black and brown faces trotted out for the camera, and I have no doubt some of them will actually believe the tea party shtick, but ignorance and idiocy comes in all colors. Don't be fooled.
sorry i have
Well for one thing I dont go around juding every person I see,for what another has done. I study listen watch before I vote for some one. If they dont do what they promise or dont listen to what the people who put them in office say(after all they are supposed to represent us) Then we will put them out of office.
I dont judge someone because the color of their skin. I dont care who comes to our country, just dont do it by breaking the law.When you do so you slap those in the face who have been waiting in line and those who have waited. New people mean new ideas Im all for that,it is how a counrty grows.
That should do for a start.
" have never seen a person of color at a Tea Bag rally.

That's not true, Ron. I remember on one of the threads you were going off about the guy at the Rally whom you didn't think should be carrying that AR15 outside the "Town Meeting". It turned out that the guy was a black man standing up for the second ammendment and you were aprised of the fact. Short memory?

On the part of the Tea Baggers, why the rage? ... out of anger, meanness and nastiness.

whoe up there Ron, It's you on the left that have been insulting teaparty supporters by calling them a vile name describing a crude homosexual concept.
Gee Larry, they used the term first, so I continue.

If by "they" you refer to the tea party movement, you're sadly mistaken.

Bringing guns to a meeting, think of what that looks like Larry.

Looks like the 2nd amendment to me.

Remember how Barack Obama was going to take away all our dogs and ban all hunting?

Remember how Barack Obama was going to take away all the guns?

Each time I have ever heard those idiotic red herring assertions they were always dribbling from the lips of you or your fellow travelers, Ron.

And, yes I do note that you are a little out of lockstep with the majority of Democrats in owning and using guns, but I can't credit you very much for that, every dog will fight for his own chewbone.

Personaly, I care not whether Obama is for or against my 2nd ammendment freedom. Neither he nor the dem controlled congress are in a position to do any damage in that regard with the possible exception of their efforts to cede over said freedoms to the UN.

The Obama Administration is saluting neither fringe. Instead, it is saluting the U.S. Constitution, and it is saluting all of it, not just one Amendment.

Agreed here Ron, but the man needs to learn how to use the other four fingers as he's saluting
I'm not the only one who sees this, pac. I probably am one of the very few who see it in this group. You folks just need to get out of your celler here and interact in the world.
Sophomoric drivel unworthy of further comment.
I didn't say that it was a Tea Party event, pac, I said that it was a rally outside your hero's "townhall meeting"

Your point?




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