TBD on Ning

I signed the petition this morning. It just makes sense to use something natural for pain instead of the debilitating pharmaceuticals. Thank you for joining me.

Break the Stereotypes, Legalize Medical Cannabis

Target: U.S. Congress
Sponsored by: Care2
Currently, the Controlled Substances Act does not recognize the difference between medicinal and recreational use of marijuana. But for some Americans, marijuana is just like any other prescription - a way to escape from chronic pain. And with federal law as it is, even patients who obtain marijuana legally in their state can face federal prosecution.

Cannabis has been used to treat HIV/AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, chronic pain, arthritis and pains associated with aging. Especially for older Americans, cannabis can be the best prescription for their pain.

In a study conducted for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, doctors found that nicotine was far more serious than marijuana on many levels. Similarly, if marijuana were compared with the effects and side effects of many other prescription drugs, it would become clear just how beneficial of a substance it is.

Other countries are recognizing the benefits of medicinal cannabis as well. Canada, Chile and the Netherlands have decriminalized or legalized medical marijuana, and countries such as Australia and Belgium are conducting trials on the benefits of medical marijuana. It's time for the United States to shed its stereotypical view of marijuana and recognize the many medicinal benefits.

Tell your Congressperson today that you support federal legalization of medical marijuana.


Tags: Legalize Medical Marijuana Petition

Views: 15

Replies to This Discussion

Wonderful, Consider it signed again and again....
Thank you Golanv for posting this. I signed and I hope everyone else does.
Thank you both. It looks like about 800 more have signed since I did. I still must forward this one. I have only tried the government legal medical marijuana 1 time, several years ago in California. At the time, I had been offered every drug up to oxycontin by doctors for pain (auto accident, arthritis, fibro) and refused it, only taking prescription ibuprofen and using a walking cane. Weed was illegal in my state and still is. I was absolutely amazed at how quickly the pain left without any medication at all. Just two tokes and I tossed my walking cane for several hours. I tossed the cane for good a few months later. Sad that if I had been caught smoking it I would have lost everything but I gained the world. The cannabis allowed me to relax into exercising my legs and strengthening them enough to walk again without the cane. Now I am dancing again. :) I am convinced there are many more cures in this plant that are not discovered yet, in addition to the known effects on glaucoma, nausea, pain and healing. It is time to start using this medicine again for all who need it. And personally, I see nothing wrong with recreational use. What could be wrong with getting creative then getting the munchies and going to sleep?
Signed, we will have enough prison spaces for real criminals. And, it will put pushers out of business. I don't smoke it, I have no problems for others to smoke it.




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