TBD on Ning

Posted: November 25th, 2009 07:30 PM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Palin, Bachmann to headline Tea Party convention.
(CNN) – Sarah Palin will be the main attraction at what's being billed as the "First National Tea Party Convention."

Tea Party Nation announced Wednesday that last year's Republican vice presidential candidate will serve as keynote speaker for the conference, scheduled to take place in Nashville, Tennessee February 4-6. A representative for Palin has confirmed the former Alaska governor's speaking role at the gathering.

The group also announced that Rep. Michele Bachmann will be speaking at the gathering as well. The Minnesota Republican has become a hero among many in the conservative movement. A representative for Bachmann confirms her speaking role.

The event could focus the political spotlight on both women. Bachmann has become a rising star, her ascent fueled in part by major support from Tea Party activists. For Palin - currently taking a brief Thanksgiving break from a national tour for her new book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" - serving as headliner at a tea party convention could increase speculation that she is weighing a run for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination.

Judson Phillips, a spokesman for Tea Party Nation, says the group is talking with other high-profile political leaders about possible convention roles, though he wouldn't name any names.

"(T)he convention is aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movements' multiple organizations (sic) principle goals," according to a statement from the group.

Phillips says the conference will feature workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local tea party organizations. He adds that the Republican Party is not coordinating or organizing with Tea Party Nation in any way.

Phillips says Tea Party Nation was launched in April, just before the first tea parties were held across the country on tax deadline day, and that the group held rallies in Nashville and in other parts of Tennessee on April 15. He added that Tea Party Nation also organized a smaller tea party event in early July, when a second round of events were held around the nation, but did not take part in the two cross-country tea party caravans held the past few months.

A spokesman for the Tea Party Express, which organized those two cross country tea party caravans, says they are not currently involved in the organization of the convention, but that they are supportive of the gathering's goals.

Follow Paul Steinhauser on Twitter: @psteinhausercnn

Updated 7:30 p.m. with confirmation from Palin's representative

Filed under: Extra • Michele Bachmann • Popular Posts • Sarah Palin • Tea Party movement

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Palin is Pat Buchanan Extension in a skirt.
Yea, Tom Delay was charged with breaking a fund raising rule that didn't even exist until a few months after he supposedly broke it.
The same DA pressed charges on Sen. Kay Baily Hutchison just so his Dem buddies can say she was indicted. Opening remarks of this DA when the trial started was this- Judge I have no case.... Case was dropped.
I tell you what. Let the full force and resources of the US Gov come down on you and see how long you last.
You will get outspent no matter how rich you are.
This is not about breaking the law. It's bout Dem stratigy.
but even I have not come to dislike the Republicans that much. I just dislike the crazies within their ranks

I must admit....there was a time when I believed that only The Left had the market on the real whackos that habituate politics. Sadly, it isn't much comfort to see the crack pots the right has brought out of the woodwork!

If Pallin and Bauchman ran I probably would not vote for them either. I like Mit Romnie Better.
He has made millions by turning failed businesses around and making them successful.
If Romnie was Pres w/Republican congress, they could really turn the economy around.
The Repubs could never have nominated Romney. The "religious right" would have abandon them in droves.
When you have the GOP praising Palin and Beck I cannot understand how in the heck they can possibly be serious. Do they really think these people could govern the country and that we would still exist after one term of such people!!!!!!!!!!
dumb and dumber huh?
OK, lets see if we can track who the left/media says is dumb...
Bush(bachalors degree at Harvard by the way) Bush Senior-no wait they had the "Read my lips no new taxes" quote they didn't need him to be dumb.
VP Quail (remember the big deal with him was that he only served in the military in the reserves- like Bush 43. Military service issue magicaly went away with Obama- it's all of a sudden not important like it was when a Republican was running.)

Clinton- no he's a Dem that MUST mean he's smart right?

The double standard in the media is alive an well. Here is the pattern- republicans are dumb, racist, homophobe, bigot, and whatever other name can called when the Republican disagrees with any protected group.
"Bush(bachalors degree at Harvard by the way) "

A retarded deviant could get a Doctorate at Yale or Harvard if his "daddy" were the right person with the right connections

"The double standard in the media is alive an well. Here is the pattern- republicans are dumb, racist, homophobe, bigot, and whatever other name can called when the Republican disagrees with any protected group."

Actions speak louder than words.
VP Quail (remember the big deal with him was that he only served in the military in the reserves- like Bush 43. Military service issue magicaly went away with Obama- it's all of a sudden not important like it was when a Republican was running.)..

I'm a Veteran...don't mention Chicken Jethro Bush and the military. The military service ticket never really goes away because those on the cRyght press our noses into the mess every time someone (like Clinton, like Obama) who haven't served is elected...and yet....they conveniently turn a blind eye to the chicken shits like Cheney and Rummy.....or worse...the real cowards like Jethro...who thumbed their collective noses at the military.
Reagan proved...twice...that given enough money....the American public can be sold ANYTHING...even an empty headed President.
"Reagan proved...twice...that given enough money....the American public can be sold ANYTHING...even an empty headed President."

Or SENILE...........


"Stahl describes a particularly unsettling encounter with Reagan in the summer of 1986: her "final meeting" with the President, typically a chance to ask a few parting questions for a "going-away story." But White House Press Secretary Larry Speakes made her promise not to ask anything.

Although she'd covered Reagan for years, the glazed-eyed and fogged-up President "didn't seem to know who I was," writes Stahl. For several moments as she talked to him in the Oval Office, a vacant Reagan barely seemed to realize anyone else was in the room. Meanwhile, Speakes was literally shouting instructions to the President, reminding him to give Stahl White House souvenirs.

Panicking at the thought of having to report on that night's news that "the president of the United States is a doddering space cadet," Stahl was relieved that Reagan soon reemerged into alertness, recognized her and chatted coherently with her husband, a screenwriter. "I had come that close to reporting that Reagan was senile."

"Stahl wasn't the only reporter to hold back. Nor were her bosses at CBS the only ones to pressure journalists to soften their coverage of Reagan, both of his policies and his person.

But that was back then. Beginning 13 months ago, the President's personal sexual predilections became the country's top news story; 13 years ago, a matter as important to the public as the President's mental competence was deemed off-limits. "
A "Great-Uncle" of mine (now deceased) was a Russian-Language translator during the Reagan years. He said that Reagan would come into a meeting, make a joke unrelated to anything that was going on, sit in a corner chair and go to sleep.

Maybe it's my liberal bias showing, but I'd rather have a President alert and on top of things (even if one of those things happened to be a dark-haired intern) than asleep at the wheel.




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