TBD on Ning

Posted: November 25th, 2009 07:30 PM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Palin, Bachmann to headline Tea Party convention.
(CNN) – Sarah Palin will be the main attraction at what's being billed as the "First National Tea Party Convention."

Tea Party Nation announced Wednesday that last year's Republican vice presidential candidate will serve as keynote speaker for the conference, scheduled to take place in Nashville, Tennessee February 4-6. A representative for Palin has confirmed the former Alaska governor's speaking role at the gathering.

The group also announced that Rep. Michele Bachmann will be speaking at the gathering as well. The Minnesota Republican has become a hero among many in the conservative movement. A representative for Bachmann confirms her speaking role.

The event could focus the political spotlight on both women. Bachmann has become a rising star, her ascent fueled in part by major support from Tea Party activists. For Palin - currently taking a brief Thanksgiving break from a national tour for her new book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" - serving as headliner at a tea party convention could increase speculation that she is weighing a run for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination.

Judson Phillips, a spokesman for Tea Party Nation, says the group is talking with other high-profile political leaders about possible convention roles, though he wouldn't name any names.

"(T)he convention is aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movements' multiple organizations (sic) principle goals," according to a statement from the group.

Phillips says the conference will feature workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local tea party organizations. He adds that the Republican Party is not coordinating or organizing with Tea Party Nation in any way.

Phillips says Tea Party Nation was launched in April, just before the first tea parties were held across the country on tax deadline day, and that the group held rallies in Nashville and in other parts of Tennessee on April 15. He added that Tea Party Nation also organized a smaller tea party event in early July, when a second round of events were held around the nation, but did not take part in the two cross-country tea party caravans held the past few months.

A spokesman for the Tea Party Express, which organized those two cross country tea party caravans, says they are not currently involved in the organization of the convention, but that they are supportive of the gathering's goals.

Follow Paul Steinhauser on Twitter: @psteinhausercnn

Updated 7:30 p.m. with confirmation from Palin's representative

Filed under: Extra • Michele Bachmann • Popular Posts • Sarah Palin • Tea Party movement

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Sad part is you'll hear people calling them heroes...a pathetic statement about a section of our population
Obama's hero? Abraham Lincoln once said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."
"Lincoln is one of my heroes."

Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are 2 of mine. And, they were BOTH Republicans. However, their ideology
in no way resembles that of the Republican party today.
Regan Hero? He has been idolized by the "so-called" conservative for most of his bumper sticker phrases. He was a democrats when the democrats were Dixiecrats, he himself said best the democratic party left me. I am implying and paraphrasing from his explanations.The democratic left me when they start caring about civil right, start caring for elderlies and the poors ( Medicare, madicade).
Another misconceptons is taking credit for the collapse of the Soviet Empire, It was coming, I was there in early and mid 80s. Some one arguing with me in this subject he said, his Berlin speech done it. No use discussing with this kind of reasoning. This guy had launched his compaign in Phildelphia, Ms, where the three civil right workers murdered. He said the government should get out of the state issues, I am for states right. The implication is stright forward.
Anyway Obama hasn't done anything yet to be a hero, he is still in his first term and first year of the his presidency. His accomplishments is yet to be seen. I hope he will pull us out of those two wars with relatively stable countries; and creat a situation to make the economy out of the worst one since the great depression ; consequently bring down the rate unemployment to lowest rates possible; which is between 3-4 % and Make America back to be the most admired, the most respected and second to none in every acheivments one can thing of. A few years ago I have a good friend, when I was in Europe, who is a professor of Chemistry in one of the Universities in Dusseldorf. He said to me, Nobel prizes has became the Americans piggy banks, thats because the lionshare of Nobel prizes are won by Americans. Most of the dicoveries in Natural Sciences, Medicenes, Economics, Psychology and Litrature are from the USA.
I'm wondering if Palin will quit her speech 2/3 of the way through, like she seems to do so often with other things in her life.
Everyone that knows the issues know why Pallin quit being Governor. The Dems in the Alaskan state congress kept frivalous charges going keeping Pallin and her staff busy defending and defending. After she left the Lt. Gov that took over continued her policies. Her work was still done with out her.
The Alaskan state congress should be brought up on charges of abuss of power.
This Dem trategy has been all too common. This is how Tom Delay was forced out of the Sentate. A state attorney general kept him tied up in court. Delay had limited resources to defend himself while the AG has unlimited resources.
The Dem/Lib stradigy remains the same.attack, demonize, and discredit.
There is very little discussion of the issues deeper than bumper sticker slogans.
Pallin and Bauchman have a very firm grasp on the issues and I notice that what the say is not very well challenged by their opposition. They make great leaders of the Republican party.
alienken, I'm afraid I don't agree with your every word, but I must say I'm delighted with your (implied) recommendation! Yes - Palin & Bachman should run on the ticket together, so that they might carry their "firm grasp of the issues "across this great land of ours and lay it at the feet of the voting public, don't you? Yesss!
I would love to see a Palin/Bachmann ticket. Go for it.
A female "two stooges" who will be the 3rd for the "trio"?
"I would love to see a Palin/Bachmann ticket. Go for it."

"Palin-Bachmann Syndrome™ manifests in the following behaviors: rambling, inane "word-salads" while speaking in public; paranoid access-control; espousal of fringe insanity; appeal to prejudices. See also: borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. In rare cases, Palin-Bachmann Syndrome™ can produce strongly offensive behavior:"

I would love to see this ticket also! speaking as a true Dem! However I am embarassed to say that I am from Minnesota!

Of course...it couldn't be that she acquired a taste for the good life and the spot light here in the lower 48 and QUIT because the job didn't pay enough....

Or that some of those "frivalous [sic}charges" were about to pan out....concerning her house and the contractors....

Or that, after being in the heady lower 48 spotlight, Alaska suddenly became too flipping BOOOOORING for her highnie.

And the only GRASP those two have on anything is the hand rail leading in to see the Wizard.
mad - :-D - "hand rail leading to see the wizard"! ROTFLMAO




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