Why Can't we stand together not just one Day A Year
Why Can't we share the Dream of Love to hearts Everywhere
Why Can't we Dance together with the Stars High Above
Why Can't We Shine like the Stars With the True Dream of Love
Do we only show we Care on a Day like this
Can we not shine out with a Dream of Peace
Shower each other with a Hand of Joy
Why do we wait for just these days to show some delight
The Dream came from the Heavens for Peace to be shared
Yet it is only Displayed just Two times a Year
Why can we not shine out for all the Days to Come
For we live not just for one Day but all Year Long
Our Love is needed to shine with Pride
Our Hearts need to beat and Unite strong and Proud
We can shower everyone with a gesture of Delight
Not just for One Day But For all the Days to be Enjoyed
Tony Kenyon