OK, I'm going to admit right up front, all of this makes me feel like a paranoid conspiracy nut.
They say it's purely coincidental that these recommendations are released now, but is it? These studies were started two years ago, but does that mean it's a coincidence? What was going on two years ago? Obama, Clinton, and McCain had health care reform plans out as they ran for the nomination of their parties.
I would really like to know who initiated these studies and why. Despite the fact that these are "independent studies" they stink of private provider. It creates a win-win for them. If health care reform passes, they are only obligated to offer coverage for what has been recommended. Yet, all of the fuss of rationing health care is being blamed on the reform bill. So it could kill the bill, or it gives private providers a means of rationing care.
Am I the only one to harbor these thoughts?