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If a scandal isn't reported by the media, does that mean it never happened?

For the millions of Americans who don't watch Fox News or listen to talk radio, the answer is a resounding yes.

Last Friday, November 20, evidence came to light that "appears to show a conspiracy to falsify data and suppress academic debate in order to exaggerate the possible threat of man-made global warming." Translation: The global warming movement rests almost entirely on the IPCC's claim to represent the "consensus" of climate science. That entire movement now stands discredited.

In the face of this absolutely shameful and possibly criminal revelation of chicanery, deceit and manipulation of data, the mainstream media has stuck to their decades long policy of ignoring any evidence or opinion that challenges their firm belief that the world is undergoing a climate crisis. A crisis that can only be rectified if all global citizens drastically change their behavior.

Despite these revelations, the AP's science writer continued reporting on the worsening climate non-crisis, "Since the 1997 international accord to fight global warming, climate change has worsened and accelerated — beyond some of the grimmest of warnings made back then." Scary stuff, if it were true.

CNN chimed in, reporting their own shocking headlines: Sea Level Rise Could Cost Port Cities $28 Trillion. Remember, this 'news' story was published after evidence had come to light that credibly challenged the very facts CNN was reporting. Yawn.

Six days after this scandal came to light, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NBC had yet to make their viewers aware of what is being called "the greatest [scandal] in modern history." A scandal that could derail the whole concept of man-made global warming. And, coincidently, the $129 billion carbon market that rests on this shaky and manipulated data.

Also ignoring this scandal is our very own president, who announced last Wednesday that he will attend the long-anticipated, high-stakes global climate summit in Copenhagen. Obama's climate czar, Carol Browner, announced on the very same day that global warming science is "settled.' No need to even address those pesky e-mails that purport to show differently.

"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner. The 2,500 hundred scientists, by the way, are comprised mainly of United Nations bureaucrats who have a vested interest in the massive wealth re-distribution that they suggest as a solution to this non-crisis.

On Thursday, more evidence of climate chicanery came to light - but was again ignored by the media. Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace, admitted that his organization's recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 2030 was "a mistake." Oops.

Also on Thursday, information surfaced that indicates Australia, also, appears to have been tinkering with raw data in order to make "global warming' appear scarier that it really is.

Again, no mention was made in the U.S. media. Oh, CNN did finally acknowledged the issue yesterday by reporting that there was "very little context" in the e-mail evidence. CNN declined to publish any of the damning e-mails and they failed to identify any of those 'leading scientists' whose work has been shown to be a possible fraud.

These 'leading scientists' then continued with business as usual, issuing another dire proclamation, "Tackling climate change will help prevent millions of deaths among people who are alive now and save the world for future generations."

These same scientists then responded to the damning evidence to the contrary in the usual way. By attacking and discrediting the motives of the messenger. "We're facing an effort by special interests who are trying to confuse the public," said Richard Somerville, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a lead author of the UN IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.

As of this writing, Fox News is the only national outlet reporting on this scandal. Website WattsUpWithThat and Canada Free Press appear to be the only media investigating the hacked e-mails that seem to show a decades long conspiracy to fudge climate data and squelch any and all opposing data and scientists.

The 'garbage-in, garbage-out' climate models the IPCC use as a basis to portend the end of life on earth now appear to be false. Global 'leaders' conveniently ignore the burgeoning scandal and continue to insist that unless a massive re-distribution of global wealth is immediately enacted, global warming will threaten every man woman and child on earth.

Americans can disagree on the extent of climate change and even question man's role in it. The issue at hand however, is the fact that the media, whose job is to report facts, has declined to do so. The media, with Fox News as the only exception, have bought onto Dan Rather's "fake but accurate" view of the so-called 'global-warming' crisis.

Father Earth, Algore sums it up best: “This is not a political issue, or a scientific issue or a psychological issue – it’s a moral issue. If anything it’s actually a spiritual issue.” There you have it. If you don't agree with the unscientific 'consensus' than you're a really stupid, bad and immoral person. The left has spoken and the media agrees. Case closed.

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com
She lives in South Carolina

Tags: Al, Gore, climate, crisis, global, globaloney, warming

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Lets see if I get this right:
Since you assume I get paid for my writing - I am motivated by, gasp, profit, therefore my facts are automatically suspect.
You, on the other hand, give it away for free, therefore you are morally superior and don't need to back up your statements. Have I got that right?
The most comprehensive modeling yet carried out on the likelihood of how much hotter the Earth's climate will get in this century shows that without rapid and massive action, the problem will be about twice as severe as previously estimated six years ago - and could be even worse than that.

The link to this scientific paper from Ronald Prinn, director of MIT's Center for Global Change Science is below.
I reserve my moral outrage at the morons that continue to ignore or gloss over this problem.

MIT Research Paper
Yes, I understand the right wing lingo. If you have trouble comprehending facts, or are dumbfounded by rational arguments, or confused by any type of abstract thinking you say 'Golly, he must be drinking ool-Aid.'
Yes allot of smart people got roped into this thinking.
This is one reason that nothing will change.
Why do we have to involve our children?
I never told my kids that the earth was flat and you are on a ship,
you will fall off the edge.
Our young people were used.
This is dirty pool.
Mr. Lindzen's scientific methodology has been in dispute for quite a while.

For a dismantling of his erroneous logic visit


By the way, do you happen to believe in an endless supply of oil?
If a scandal isn't reported by the media, does that mean it never happened?

For the millions of Americans who don't watch Fox News or listen to talk radio, the answer is a resounding yes.

A couple of notes about this part of your essay. First Is the scandal that someone hacked someones private emails and you are attempting to give these criminals creditability.

Second, A quick glance at google news for the last week seems to show there are somewhere in the neighborhood of six thousand news articles about this. I know I first heard about this in a reputable news paper. Again this goes to heart of Ms Morgans credibility which has been demonstrated in the past is somewhat lacking. And she mainly wants sensationalism and attention for her blog.
You call them criminals, I call them whistleblowers.
They're not the issue, much as the left would like to focus on the act instead of what they uncovered.
Yes, there are alot of mentions in the news. The foreign media, even Russia, have reported on this issue. My article specifically mentioned the U.S. media - and I stand by the fact that the former 'big 3' have yet to cober this story.
Perhaps and this is just my musing, could they be waiting for all of the stolen emails and not just the ones selected to serve a purpose. The truth and fact checking can be so limiting.
Kind of a foreign concept to some, right Ms Morgan?
Before those damn hackers stole those peoples e-mail I was studying this warming stuff. I looked around and things were getting colder like our snow last April. This year they opened our ski resorts a month early. For several years I kept asking myself what was going on.
I dug out the temperatures for the last few years and they were at or below average. Fox news and the short time I listen to talk radio, nothing was being mentioned. (until recently)
I have also been pouring over data on early man and his migration. This stuff interests me. You don’t want to know what I determined about early man and the land bridge hocus pocus by pouring over ancient records. I’m probably boring you.

I love anything you have to say, Darroll. You the man. and you are smart my friend.
Yes, it was. If you noticed, all the reports were in London newspapers.




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