TBD on Ning

The Gathering Place

A place for people to mingle in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Good Morning

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Good Morning Friends

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Tags: Food, Friends, Music

Views: 39

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thanks lynn ..morning everyone grab a dew & on my way.....
morning, jeff!
Good morning Lynn, Jeff, Mary and all who pass this way.

ah, Ladyg, hello!!!!
ok, it's Thursday afternoon, now -- hello, all!
good Friday morning!

the coffee was good, thanks for stopping by, animak!
Mary, Ladyg, CatEyes, jeff? have you AAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL abandoned me???????????
npoe but looks a little lonely in here ..think il grab a dewky ..& be on my merry way!...see yall latter ..mary cat eyes ..lynn..& ladyg!!
(((((((Jeff)))))))))) g'nite all!
Peace comes when
Ego is emitted out
Amity spreads out
Comforting other’ pain

Encashing human values and virtues
Timeless is the nature of peace
Enlightening the urge to
Care for and share with all
Harmony, order and
Nobleness of heart and soul
Owning the precious spriton that
Luminates the innermost
Only to spread truth, order and happiness
Giving the solace to humanity
Year after years to live happily in peace
good Saturday morning, Tina, and the rest of you'uns.... I'm out and about, see you this evening, i hope!
(((((((((LYNN))))))))))....welp there she go's!!...hummmm getting slow in my old age!.....hi all ..by all!!




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