TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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In his younger days, SG was the world champion at stuffing marshmallows in his face.

Callipyge is betting the farm on the Hokies this weekend.
s g has been workin' real hard to build up his Beer Belly. From the looks of things he has succeeded.

Red One was trying to keep this quiet, but he was the model for the Santa's Butt beer label:

Calli and friend all ready for Halloween.

Wendy Lynn dressed up as Wonder Women.

1 HappyMelody has got some BIG HAIR!!!!!!!!

Red One juggles cats for fun.
Callipyge swam the English Channel but France wouldn't let her touch ground, so she swam up to Amsterdam and got a window to pay off her bills. That took eleven years.
Jack's head is full of helium - you should hear him on the phone!
Jack wants to be the Balloon Boy.

Red One can be found in a cardboard box in the attic.




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