TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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This is one of Jack's Baby Pictures. Isn't he the Cutest Little Thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack started smoking at a very young age. He likes the non-filtered Camels.

I'd butt in, but you guys are doing just fine without me. LOL
Ray has just worked three shifts in a row at his Thank Heaven for 7-11 Store and is so tired that he just collapsed in the Beer Cooler.
Red just called me up, but I was too busy to answer because I was counting all the money I made in my 7-11 store. Thank heaven.
Jack is coming over to rob you, Ray.
Red just installed a laser armed security system for 7-11, to keep Jack out.
Ray is still in the Beer Cooler and now he is DRUNK!!!

Red has a hard time climbing the stairs to his apartment after his jog in the morning.
Owwwwwww. My eyes! My eyes!
snort chuckle snort... it does look raw...probably gawded from his nice fitting thong... chuckle.. Red needs to invest in some tidie whities snort chuckle snort :)
GREAT SHOT of my ASS, Ivy. You need to buy me some T.P. so my ASS isn't so RAW!!!




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