TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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V just got a new DEW and is all set for a ROCKIN' Week-End!!!

LOL!! You guys crack me up!
V has a Huge Crush on Keith Richards. My, doesn't he look good for his age.? Must be all that Clean Living........LMAO

Red One was a roadie with the Rolling Stones when they were the Skimming Pebbles
Ray 711 is very proud of his store.

Who care what he looks like.. CHA CHING!
Red One works at my 7-11. On night shift.
Yum i want a Slurpee PUHLEEEEZ :)
Ray 711 goes around singing, "Thank Heaven for 7-11" He just LOVES his little store!!!
Red One loiters in front of Ray's store and tries to trip the customers as they go into the store, saying "Have a nice trip, see you in the fall!"
Calli, Lord have you not had enough of the sheep jokes? PLEEASe change that picture!!!
And then, once the blood tests are returned, Greg sells them on eBay. Red One is trying to get a new credit card so he doesn't miss the new love of his life.




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