TBD on Ning

I still have this wretched insomnia...but my kiln came yesterday and I'm going to make some dichroic glass jewelry. I bought alot of glass just before the old kiln broke. I also want to try some experiments with silver and glass clay. I made some molds out of refractory cement, and I'm excited to see the results. Recently they came out with copper and bronze clay, but that has to be fired in a special environment my little mind has yet to master. How bout you, whats up? Mother Sanity

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Today I have a dentist appointment. Yuk. But it'll be all over by 4 p.m. Then I'll be a much happier person. Thank goodness for novacaine.
Good luck. I have to be sedated to get anywhere near a dentist. MS
I'm plowing through my mushroom identification handbook, as I do every year at this time, just to get them firmly back on the front of the shelf. It's amazing how that kind of thing can get pushed to the back of your mind when you don't use it all the time. At least it's still there, that's something.
I used to love mushroom identification. Lots of books. But when the kids were born, I gave it up because I didnt want to mislead them. Now, I can barely walk. Take advantage of your opportunities while u can! Love, Jackie
Answering emails.

Doing the reading for my class.

Writing an article.

Trying to stay vertical today!
I gave up on the verticle part. Lying down and taking vitamins. Ugh.




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