TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Red gave me the steak that he said he didn't want in "Tell A Lie".
sssnnort chuckle snnnort...ohhh ahhh holding ribs while I LMFAO. Nice pictures... ohhh tears...shewwww ok

TSD farted in Church this morning and blamed it on an old lady sitting next to him in the pewwwww P U. chuckle
Ivy knits codpieces in her spare time.
It really was Granny....!!!LOL!!! I'm as innocent as a newborn baby!!!! :-P
sure ya are, TSD. LOL BTW, newborn babies shit a lot. ..oops did I say that out loud.... snort chuckle
TSD and Ivy are hooking up tonight and going out to strip joints. Ivy will probably have to preform because she can't help her self and TSD will be DRUNK as usual and harass the girls and try to strip the girls of their g strings.
You would expect anything less?!!!? :-0
LOL Red..
Red got busted for indesent exposure last night as he took a whizzzz on the street corner. grins
indecent oops
Ivy is a NASCAR groupie and specializes in the guys who come last.
stillgoing likes to sniff underwear the NASCAR pit crew wear, he gets a buzz from it.




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