TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................

Ladyg, Owner
Mary, Manager
Lynn, Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 41

Replies to This Discussion

The doors are always open, come in sit have a cup of fresh brewed coffee on us. Your money is no good here. The lounge is for the members to come in and be comfortable. Welcome all who pass this way, please drop a line and say hello.



Hi and good afternoon Ladyg, just got back from church........:)

Forgot this, {{{{{{{{{{Ladyg}}}}}}}}}}
good!!! morning ladyg..mary ..lynn $ of course cat probaly out there in cyberland again!...& everyone else who comes through these doors...hope u all are having a wonderful sunday ...& wish my heart felt beat to all my friends....
oh!!! darn almost forgot my dew!!!..bye bye!!

Give children encouragement, they will gain confidence, they will perform better. " M. K. Soni

"I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men
the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in
a man is by appreciation and encouragement."
Charles Schwab

"Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else.
No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss
the opportunity to give encouragement."
George Adams

"To be a friend means encourage strengths in others and accepting their weaknesses; in other words, accepting them for who they are."
Catherine Pulsifer, from Friendship is not a Product

"Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often
a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise."
good night, Ladyg, Mary, jeff, and all the others. just a fly-by to leave a round of hugs for you! i had a wonderful weekend visiting with old and new friends -- got to meet Kittycat, who's been in here, for the first time, and her man and another friend from moosie's landing, as well as see Charg and Doug. am full up to the brim with hugs, and just as happy as if i had good sense!

more during the week....

Comming in to say Good night, to Ladyg, Lynn, Tina, Jeff, and of course Miss Chickie Cat.....a HUGE GIANT GROUP
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{H U G}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to all! and also trying an expeirment..too!

Well it didn't work....have been trying to figure out why I can't upload a picture......so a phone call to nephew to help me get it figured out............later in week......till then......will just have to use.......something else.......

Good Morning Comments

Spicecomments.com - Good Morning Comments

To {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Ladyg}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, {{{{{{{{{{{Lynn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, Jeff, Jim, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tina}}}}}}}}}}}}}, and
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Chickie Cat}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, and to all who pass by these doors today. May ya'll have a great day!!!!!!!!

ha!! good one ladyg ....by cracky i think that looks like my grandson!!!...lol!...but just stopped in to say hi & have a great day...to ladyg ..mary lynn & of course cat ...i no ur out there in cyberland !! & all who comes draging through these doors on this ol dreded blue monday !!..but it'l get better i just no it will!!!...grab my dew & im outta here...latter all!




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