Good evening everyone, I am Ladyg your hostess for the weekend. I would like to welcome everyone to LADYG’S PLACE. We will be open every Saturday for your enjoyment. Bring a friend, but remember if they do not belong to the group they will have to join in order to participate in the fun.
ALL DRINKS, FOOD AND AMENITIES ARE FREE including PARTY BUS AND FREE LIMO rides to and from LADYG’S PLACE. We have two pools (indoor and outdoor) depending on the weather our pools are heated. We have two hot tubs, music, dance floor, Now here are the rules and as your hostess, I expect each of you to adhere to them.
1. NO WEAPONS of any kind permitted in the lounge. This means: NO guns, NO knives, NO NUTTIN.
2. NO WHIPS permitted in the Lounge except MINE. No exceptions.
3. NO EXPLOSIVES permitted in the Lounge. Get those fireworks out from under the bar.
4. NO LANCES permitted INSIDE the Lounge. Lances are for the jousts only, and must be kept in the Lance Locker when not in use for Jousting Days.
5. NO MORE GLASS CONTAINERS OF ANY TYPE in the pool area. I want no reason for anyone to have to go to the First Aid Station. The First Aid Station is the Black Hole of Death. Avoid it at all costs. In addition, broken glass can puncture the inflatables. Do you have any idea of how much they cost?
6. PARKING IN THE SIDE PARKING LOT ONLY. I am sorry about the tanks there; you will just have to work around them.
7. FIRST AID/NURSES STATION IS OFF LIMITS! It has come to my attention that there are certain Lounge members parading around disguised as nurses. BEWARE! These people are not nurses! Do not permit these people to do any surgery on you or examine you under any circumstances.
I am sorry that it has come to this, but we must maintain law and order in the Lounge so that all customers can feel safe. So now that we have gotten all these things out of the way


Tags: Friends, Fun, Music