TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 47

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Oh, I'm not sliding, I just want to be perfectly honest about it. There's a huge difference between ignorance and insanity. Ignorance can be cured with education, insanity needs a little blue pill. But hey, it's just my opinion, right? ;-)
No, you're absolutely right, and my mocking it is the only way I know to cope with it. These people literally scare me with their insane rantings and their carrying fire arms to meetings to show how tough and serious they are. It's like somebody opened the door at the asylum, and we don't have the means to put them back in their padded cells.
I find it concerning that parents even feel they need to read the speech first and/or approve it. "If" the majority (and it is the majority who are objecting to the speech in my state (based on a TV news poll), do not trust our president enough or "honor" the office of president enough and can't allow their child to listen to a "stay in school/contribute to the good of our country" speech.......we are in a sad state of affairs.
The saddest is those wanting us to be in this state of confusion regarding this presidency are winning. Politics as usual is what is draining our country and what needs to stop. While it may be directed more at Obama because of race (and I am not yet ready to concede that). In recent history, it is my opinion that it is directed toward any "positive change" that would be good for our country. Whether it is healthcare reform, social security reform or a laundry list of items, the political "noise" put out by special interest groups is the only noise we end up hearing. They have the money to wear down the average person, before the average person even gets a seat at the table to be part of the discussion.
We need to stop playing the game "he who has the biggest voice" wins!

OK...I am off my soap box. Not many places I can discuss politics in my new state...I guess I needed to let it rip for a moment...thanks :-)
Let 'er rip! lol =D I know how ya feel, here they still use the *n* word with regularity. Insanity.
I find it concerning that parents even feel they need to read the speech

As a former high school English teacher, I had only one book challenged in the classroom: OF MICE AND MEN by J. Steinbeck. It was a member of the school board who was concerned because of the language Steinbeck used. It was also THE BOOK I read aloud to the kids every year...they LOVED it. So I invited her into my class to sit through a lesson. I didn't change a thing, not a word, just handed her a copy, told her where we were in the work (early on...in fact) and let her follow on. I reviewed what we'd already done with the kids..entirely unnecessary as they remembered darned near every word and event!...and pressed on...deciding to take my medicine if that's what it took.

3/4 of the way through the class, the school board member got up and left! DAYMNME!!! I just KNEW my goose was cooked..until I found the note in my box. "I wanted to stay and hear more, but I'm already late for an appointment. I hope you don't mind, but I took the book with me!"

Whenever parents had questions, I ALWAYS invited the participation.
Ge 'em hell Jacquin. You are exactly right. They will not be satisfied until they take this country back to the 19th century and only then if they can have their wars with fancy modern weapons.
Yeah, they don't bother listening or paying attention. They don't want to take the chance of finding out they were wrong. If they were interested in truth, they've had ample opportunity to find at least a little over the past year.

ON a tangent, I was watching Focus Earth with Bob Woodruff and he was talking about the overpopulation problem. I immediately thought of how it would help to reduce our population problem if we just got rid of the uninformed...
The key here in your statement is the word participation. Participation for me means to participate or be "part of". IMO, many of those encouraging Obama's failure are not particpating, but simply watching. Watching for a misspoken word, a delay or a mistake that they can celebrate over as they turn it into something that they use to win people over to their way of thinking. They simply are watching only for what fails or smells enough like failure and then they can make it so.
The mother you invited to your classroom isn't like many of those looking for Obama's failure. She was williing to participate, learn and possibly change her opinion. Myself, I like changing my opinion, because it means I can still learn something new. Heck, I recently changed my opinion regarding Michael Vick. Now "that" I didn't see as even a remote possiblity :-)
May I say that I believe that the deep core of those looking for Obama's failure were also looking for Bush's failure too (IMO). Their interest isn't the person failing, but the system.
In my post I referred to honoring the office. While I didn't vote for Bush, I honored the position he held. I also honored the intent of a supportive America vs a nonsupportive one and how I believe that looks to the rest of the world.
I don't believe that we will again see a world war won at the hands of another person, but what I am afraid of is seeing a war won by manipulating the minds of others. Call me paranoid, silly or overreacting, but I believe that we have two systems at war. One of communication and one of shutting people down. When I look around and see many people at odds because an American President wants to communicate to American students, I see it as more people being shut down. The side that I don't want to see win.
My tiny hick town hasn't said anything about it so far. I'm waiting to see what they do. But I'm also planning on having my kids watch it here if they don't at school.
Oh NO!! It was a perfect choice of words, trust me!! lol I often criticize the little hick town I live in. hehehe

So where is your home town? We're so damn tiny we aren't really near anything. hehehe
Oh yeah, I know Vincennes. One of their Wal-Mart's is bigger than our town. lol But I think we have a bigger gardening section. ;-) lol

There was a guy, named Lloyd Homme, who back in 1968 stated that We have the capacity to install any behavior we want . . . It was reported in the Psychological Record 18. The proof of that statement went unexplored.

I say events like the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate Cult stand as evidence of Homme's statement, but I have no proof. Oddly enough, there was a clown who aired on the Art Bell radio show one day before that mass suicide and the guest made claims that directly supported the belief system of that cult which, 24 hours later, were shown to have committed mass suicide.

We also have research into a phenomena known as mass hysteria. MASS HYSTERIA. It's where a suggestion is made, and people start getting hysterical, evidencing the effects of psychosomatic illness and trauma.

We are all getting just a little too paranoid. That fact is evidenced by the hysteria over Sarah Palin Death Panels and brain washing -- BRAIN WASHING -- allegedly at the hands of the President.

Geiko television ads featuring a sound track in the background:

I always feel like
somebodies watching me

Microsoft logos: Life Without Walls

2000 Presidential Election ballots poorly engineered

and movies like: Accidentally on Purpose -- I mean really. Not everyone will see the movie. But most of us will see the title. It lends itself to an increase in the propensity for mass hysteria.





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