TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 47

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I'm sorry to hear that Boothby. It must be a clear indication that I have yet to make the case in a substantive and compelling manner.

There was a guy, named Lloyd Homme, who back in 1968 stated that We have the capacity to install any behavior we want . . . It was reported in the Psychological Record 18. The proof of that statement went unexplored.

I say events like the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate Cult stand as evidence of Homme's statement, but I have no proof. Oddly enough, there was a clown who aired on the Art Bell radio show one day before that mass suicide and the guest made claims that directly supported the belief system of that cult which, 24 hours later, were shown to have committed mass suicide.

We also have research into a phenomena known as mass hysteria. MASS HYSTERIA. It's where a suggestion is made, and people start getting hysterical, evidencing the effects of psychosomatic illness and trauma.

So I guess I don't think it really matters if you are willing to write a letter demanding accountability or not. It has to happen, either way.


Because, we are all getting just a little too paranoid. That fact is evidenced by the hysteria over Sarah Palin Death Panels and brain washing -- allegedly at the hands of the President.

Geiko television ads featuring a sound track in the background:

I always feel like
somebodies watching me

Microsoft logos: Life Without Walls

2000 Presidential Election ballots poorly engineered

and movies like: Accidentally on Purpose -- I mean really. Not everyone will see the movie. But most of us will see the title. It lends itself to an increase in the propensity for mass hysteria.
Fox was speaking about it eariler. They where disscussing other president that haven given speechs to schools. And how groups didn't think it was right .
Fox is not a source. A real link to some crediable source would be good. Like one of the news magazines at the time or even a network story from that time.
In order to find a source where people protested Bush addressing our children there would have to have been some protest happen. I don't think they wrote articles about us rolling our eyes at the irony of George W. Bush addressing the importance of education.
Ah! Fox. Now I'm a believer.
Pick** hahahahahajahahehehehehe!
Pick** hahahahahajahahehehehehe

Pickle, I think this was the answer to your question about references or links
I've ALWAYS been reluctant to quickly jump to the conclusion that the adversarial reactions to President Obama were all racist based. People have different opinions, and one would expect an extreme reaction to such a huge change from the Bush administration.

But when every other president in history has been able to address children at school with hardly a murmur, but THIS ONE not only draws complaint, but accusations of brain washing... what else can it be?
I think just the fact that we've resorted to calling anything said against the current POTUS, "racist", is very sad. It means that we cannot legitimately speak against his policies without being concerned about the race card being used. That's just sadder than sad. No other president, I believe, has given assignments, suggestions for teaching moments as a result of his speech, and no other president (that I'm aware) has had as many suspicious "friends" and advisers, has actually assisted in furthering racial tension by his comments, and who has a philosophy and intended policies that are left of the left. It's understandable that half the country is angry, frustrated, suspicious and, yes, fearful of his subtly using their children to change America into something they don't want it to be. Even if he is all liberals want and a bag of chips, please keep in mind that he does NOT represent all of Americans. Remember, he didn't win the presidency hands down. Many of the votes were default votes, IMO, because the choices were not real great. Even he himself admitted only a year prior to his nomination for candidacy, that he was not ready for that level of responsibility. Anyway, I personally don't wish him harm, or that he will fail in bringing America the change that is needed. Just call me a skeptic as I watch and wait.
WOW! NEOCONS are sure sore losers!
Now Obama wants to steal their children's minds?
I saw a big article from a Texas newspaper about Texans being "up in arms". Not unexpected.
Hey Judi, Hey Cynthia, welcome to the "otherside".
Aaaaaaaanyway. Just a personal observation, everyone that can be offended, and the people offended by the offended really should get a room. I deeply suspect this much animosity is sexual tension.
ROFL!! Maybe so, as we've already discussed the "white guy", and women going lesbian on us in other discussions, so . . . . who knows, eh?




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