TBD on Ning

From the NY Times:


WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney asserted on Sunday that the Justice Department’s decision to review detainee interrogation practices by Central Intelligence Agency workers and contractors was “a political move” and that President Obama was trying to “duck the responsibility” by saying the choice was the attorney general’s.
Speaking on the television program “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Cheney called Attorney General Eric H. Holder’s decision to name a federal prosecutor to examine abuse of prisoners held by the C.I.A. “clearly a political move — I mean, there’s no other rationale for why they’re doing this.”


Funny, I seem to recall Milosovich complaining about the same thing when brought before the world court; same thing for the Nazi's when brought before the Nuremburg Tribunal...

The more things change...

Tags: BS, cheney, politics, torture

Views: 17

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His daughter, eh? Well, I'd hope that my daughter would say nice things about me if I ever was accused of illegal torture on an international scale. But it's like the news reports after a shooting:

"But he is a good boy! I don't know why the police had to shoot at him seventeen times!"

(The police shot at him seventeen times because when they caught him doing a drug deal, he ran from the cops and started shooting at them with a semi-automatic pistol--taken from a local news article from a few years back)
his daughter is as much of a douchebag as he is.

I just heard Cheney say he thought it was fine for interrogators to break the law! For a person who swore to uphold the laws of the USA I find that downright appalling and disgusting! A thorough investigation needs to be done and include those who approved illegal techniques, not just those who used the techniques. If we begin overlooking lawbreaking by administrations, where does that end? Eventually we would lose all protections provided by the US Constitution. The GOP put Clinton under oath to discuss sexual behavior and castigated him for lying about that. This is many times more serious in my opinion. The GOP is SO full of hypocrites.
Anybody see Frost vs. Nixon? Didn't Tricky Dick say the same thing--that he was ABOVE the law if he chose to be so?
If the Bush-Cheney crowd can break laws, what is to keep the Obama Administration from doing the same. The Right Wingers have no reason to complain about anything they say Obama is doing if there are no laws to be followed or he can pick and choose which ones to follow at his whim as Cheney seems to think was his right. The Right Wingers may be sorry if they support Cheney in this one.
Isn't it "with the instructions on the heel"?
I was on one of those telephone town hall meetings today with John Tanner (D) TN. He is a "blue dog". I found myself agreeing with him half the time and wanting to shout at him the other half. However on a telephone townhall you can't shout.
I never got my turn to ask a question.
I am really looking forward to hearing what Obama comes up with a week from today. If he drops the public option completely I am afraid I may be tempted to vote Republican the next presidential election! That is unless Cheney, Palin, McCain, Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savidge, or a few others run for that position...... The Dems better step up to the plate on this one or get ready to lose LOTS of positions in the US Congress next election.
That is such a weird and excellent point!




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