TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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z100 doesn't know I put salt peter in his drinking water. LMAO
Ivy gets her kicks when I put my salted.......well you get the picture.

salted nuts? lol
stillgoing plays pocket pool constantly.
Ivy likes hanging out near the corner pocket when stillgoing is playing
Ivy is good teacher, a very good teacher.
z100 walks the halls of the mental hospital with his ass hanging out of his gown, humming the theme song to Sanford and Son.
Ivy is certainly taking GOOD care of stillgoing and z, Well, you know what I mean.
LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again Ivy was unsuccessful in laughing her ass off.
Yeah, s.g. I wonder if she has any ASS left. Word is that she has plenty.




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