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Man at Health Care meeting holds up sign saying "Death to Obama" and "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids,"

I don't ever want to hear again the right say they aren't racist, they are simply criticizing policy. Bullshit.


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I remind you again..it is a federal offense to threaten the life of the President.

they are trying desperately to be heard throughout every town hall meeting and every opportunity to bend their representatives ear. They are trying very hard to be heard, peacefully

BULLSHIT. Not from what I've seen. The people with real questions, with REAL concerns, are unable to ask them because idiots and morons from the cRyghtwingnut Freak Show shout them down under the guise of "freedom of speech". Do you honestly think that those who attended with real questions are going to THANK you asshats for denying them the opportunity to get their concerns addressed?

What Barack Obama is trying to do is force a democracy of socialism down our throats.

By this statement you demonstrate you wouldn't know a 'democracy of socialism if it bit you in the ass.
Mr or Mrs no1toolmkr , do you know what socialist means? Please, no countries in the world have either a pure socialist or a pure capitalist system of governments. Almost, all countries in the west,some in other parts of the world live in under hybrid of socialistic and capitalistic systems. Please no1toolmkr don't rely just Fox-Tabloid and hate radio hostesses, read and listen other sources of information. Don't be parts of those herds who are being mislead by interest group who have the most to lose by health care reform.
The sadest and and the comical parts of discussion are senior citzens who are using medicare (Government run health care system) and some people who have no insuurance at all are voicing their opposition to health care reform. They shout we don't need government run health care system. Most, if not all of these confused folks, have misled by talk-show hosts and Fox-tabloid.
Listen, had FDR not enacted social security and other basic needs benifis, we would seen lots of Grannies and Grandpas pan-handling in traffic intersections in our cities. Those who choose not being humilated would choose to end it. We have seen in our vetnam vets, who had traumatic experiences lingering in our cities. Please, don't take Sean Hannity', Rush Limbaugh and other smart clowns seriously, they are taking advantage of the ignorance of peoples like you. These peoples are willing to sell their souls for money, if the progressive side of arguments are the way to make gizziloin of $$, they wont hesitate to flip in progressive sides in a dime. Please please please whoever you are, read read and inform yourself, unless you are the very few who are in health care business who took advantage of the inept current health care system. you have notthing to gain from the current system. It doesn't have to be what the democrats proposed, lets all professionals have inputs and try to bring a better health care system.
Do these people think what they are doing is patriotic? Cheering for such actions is just downright ignorant. It is the most offensive and unpatriotic thing I have seen in years. Do these people not have jobs to go to? If they don't shouldn't they be blaming the republicans who got us into this mess? Or are they rich and don't have to work? I am truly amazed at their ignorance and lack of manners.
"The idiot who attacked her was not led out."

Not led out the same door...but he his taken away.
Wait, wait, wait...I thought the evil media was all LIBERAL???
Don't judge all by a few.I am not a racist. Never have been and never will be! I do not judge people here to be hateful, although some can only come back with hateful remarks.
I find it all to be very barbaric. Citizens, inspired by viral emails and radical talking heads that are really only interested in promoting their talk shows or books, trying to out-shout all reasonable people and promote hatred and violence in a town hall meeting in order to promote the desires of the insurance companies that have dropped approximately 3200 lobbyists on Washington.

In case that was too wordy for some: Why are you more interested in keeping private insurance companies in charge of your medical treatment than in making the reforms we need?

When I went to the link I read the article, but I also read some of the comments there. It was sick to see people compare a death wish to Letterman's joke (which was intended for the OF AGE child, not the minor. But that was really twisted like a pretzel.). Actually, most of the excuses for it was sickening.

Tool, I use to think you were reasonable, what's with the third-world-revolution speech? Seriously, there has been nothing that comes close to fitting your wild descriptions. Well, not since the Manchurian Candidate, Conspiracy Theory, or Eagle Eye. But those are MOVIES. They aren't real.
I agree Jac....this is PERFECT. They need to know what is happening to the average citizen.
These are the very same people that were calling US un-american or terrorist because we didn't agree with W's warmongering. So. basically , you are un-american if you do or say anything against what they think is american and god knows they don't even know what that is.

I have said it before, there is some sort of mental affliction going on with these folks.
JaW said: But those are MOVIES. They aren't real.

Fiction, yes. Fiction that is based on a cultural phenomena that few find words to describe. Our society actually has created little Manchurian Candidates, as has the Chinese and the Russians. The most recent Chinese example came during the Olympics in Beijing - you may recall that a Chinese guy cut the throat of an American associated with the U.S. team and then took his own life. This of course was the unofficial response to Bush comments while he was in Thailand.

I could cite several U.S. examples. Since I haven't actually gone off yet, self reports are of questionable value. And I'm sure you wouldn't believe the other examples I might cite, simply because they have already appeared in the news, yet no one said shit.


The thing is, if you tell those people to shut up, you're accused of stamping on their constitutional rights to free speech. What about the people whose voices you are stamping all over, denying them the chance to ask a question of their elected representatives?

I strongly believe that most of the protestors (some shipped in by insurance companies, by their own admission) don't give a flying frak about health care, but are only fueled by hatred.
August is half over, I guess that means the town hall meetings are too. That's too bad. It might be fun to identify the busses, track the bus routes, and interdict them with a variety of means where ever the route has a bottle neck.

This is little more than Industrial Espionage turned on the political debate in an effort to side track it to the benefit of the insurance company. We can in theory use these same tools to fight back.

Lets get nasty.




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