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Just last week Beck lost 4 major advertisers.

Could people be wising up?

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I knew it all along. You just explain your total lack of common sense.
Why, do you think Rupert Murdock is some sort of neo con or something?

Why, no, I think he's a money grubbing ultra conservative singing your song..."I GOT MINE AND FUK THE REST OF YOU...very loudly...and when it begins to COST him more than Beck the Brick or O'Lielly are bring in...he'll drop them like a bad potato.
Some folks also believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. The intellectually lazy and opinionated believe in Fox.
:-) Response to the "Fox is believed" comment preceeding this one.
Just watched beck
seems he's replaced ups with the USPS
what a gas
thed federal gvmt advertising on beck
Reply to tool's comment about USPS and Beck. Maybe they are part of the govt bailout of idiots.
Too funny
you guys havnt even put a dent in beck
IF you've caused 4 to leave there r just too many others lining up
I lost count of all his advertiser a nd I was trying to get an idea if your having any effect
your not....
Your helping, great!!!!
I like beck, pretty cool patriot4 sure
So, moving on, how about Lou Dobbs? No petition on Dobbs? You all will haver.to let me know whether he's been stepping back lately, b/c, after, Gloria, Candy, and Paul, who are pretty even-handed, I have to check out at the top of the hour, when Dobb's faces the camera. He gives me serious heartburn, so fill me in on the new and improved.... I can't bear to be a live witness.
I've signed three petitions about Dobbs in the past week.
The point isn't that he still has advertisers, the point is that FIVE have left his show in less than two weeks. That is the point.

Beck called Obama a racist, saying he hates white people. Compares him to the Nazi's, all without one fucking piece of evidence. If you want to defend him, that says a great deal about the type of person you are. Wished him a happy birthday, and hoping it's his last. That's the type of scum you're defending.
3 petitions? I haven't seen one, but good enough!

as for comment #2: !
This one contains phone numbers you can call to complain.


And this is a petition to sign....


I'd have to do a little research (my memory ain't what it used to be) to find the other 2 I signed.

Nielsen Cable Network Coverage Estimates (as of October, 2008)
CNN/HLN: 98.63 million HHs
CNBC: 97.13 million HHs
FNC: 94.82 million HHs
MSNBC: 93.00 million HHs

I'm not sure the daily estimate means as much as the annual. Clearly, as of October 2008, Fox was in third.




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