TBD on Ning

When you would just rather pull the covers up, stick your head in the sand, dig a big hole and bury yourself because life is too harsh or complicated. What makes you keep going? Gets your butt outta bed? Gets you moving? Makes you do what ya gotta do? Makes you live up to responsibilities you don't want to shoulder. Is it your spouse, your kids, your boss, guilt, faith, determination? Some combination of all?

Tags: Hard, Life, Times

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just plain determination. I have been on the same job for 10 years this month, and I guess, finally achieveced what I wanted. But----I want long hours and have lots to do. But what else is there?
Is it your spouse, your kids, your boss, guilt, faith, determination?

None of the above, TeeBubba... I think it's wonder. I am always amazed by the possibilities wrapped up in any given day. Even on the days when it seems nothing is going right, I may cry it out or slugabed a little longer, but eventually I have to get up like a kid on Christmas morning to see what good is in store. There's always something, and for me it always manages to overbalance any bad. If if doesn't come on its own, I try to make it myself so the day's not wasted... a call or a visit, a special treat for dinner, a walk to find the beauty around me. A positive attitude makes so much difference.

I find that the bad in my life usually seems so much worse in anticipation than it ever turns out to be. We all know what the worst that can happen is; so as long as we're still here it hasn't happened yet...
I have a couple of tee shirts from one of my favorite bars in Key West. The bar is called Hog's Breath. The shirt has a logo of a wild boar, with the slogan, Hog's Breath is Better Than No Breath At All. Kinda says it all.
Very appropriate!
Suzan, you are definitely a diamond, me, I'm thinking probably more like zirconium.
Curiosity to see what wonderful surprises and challenges come my way. With the setbacks sometimes great rewards are right around the corner to make it all worthwhile. Coffee gets me moving more then I'd like to believe! Satisfaction of accomplishment has everything to do with it, let's me know I'm alive>
the cat meows relentlessly I have to choice to get up out of bed and feed her.
Alive is a good thing!!!!
Monster hugs can keep me going for quite a while.
Then that's all you really need Sheldon.
Is it Ground Hog Day again?




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