TBD on Ning

"The blogosphere in Alaska is on fire this morning after explosive new allegations about former governor Sarah Palin and ex-First Dude Todd. Reports say among other things, that divorce is in the air, although the Palin's continue to appear together in public." Hufffington Post.

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I've already adopted a "don't care" attitude on this (other than the sympathy for those guys because of the whole divorce issue, if it's true). Politically--don't care.
agree'd doesn't explain anything....
I am with you jacquin
hahahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hehehehehe tee heehee oooooooooooooooooooooooooo MAN THAT IS A GOOD ONE!!! Hope she had a pre-nup, priceless.
The entire family (I'm talking about the children here) travels together, too, but they don't seem very united or happy.




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