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President Obama has just officially designated June as LGBT Pride Month.  Of course, Gay Pride festivals in June have been traditional in many states for some years...Share information about your local festivities, experiences in Pride parades or festivals of the past and plans for the future, crazy things you caught in photos or videos...whatever.

Tags: LGBTQ+ celebrations, gay pride, general craziness, pride parade

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Thanks guys...I hope he takes some pictures. I am betting he may even march too, you never know with my kid. I love the way you described it, the feeling of freedom, safety and just the thought of him being with so many others who understand the road he is traveling. 

I will keep you posted...I love having such a cool place to share my excitement!!!

Did that beautiful boy of yours ever produce some pictures? If there are any you feel free to share here, I'd love to see 'em!

XOXOXOXOX to your whole family, Ruby!

Obama Proclaims June As LGBT Pride Month


President Barack Obama officially proclaimed the month of June 2013 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride month.

In his proclamation, the president wrote:

"This year, we celebrate LGBT Pride Month at a moment of great hope and progress, recognizing that more needs to be done. Support for LGBT equality is growing, led by a generation which understands that, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." In the past year, for the first time, voters in multiple States affirmed marriage equality for same-sex couples. State and local governments have taken important steps to provide much-needed protections for transgender Americans.

My Administration is a proud partner in the journey toward LGBT equality. We extended hate crimes protections to include attacks based on sexual orientation or gender identity and repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." We lifted the HIV entry ban and ensured hospital visitation rights for LGBT patients. Together, we have investigated and addressed pervasive bullying faced by LGBT students, prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Federal housing, and extended benefits for same-sex domestic partners. Earlier this year, I signed a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in the implementation of any VAWA-funded program. And because LGBT rights are human rights, my Administration is implementing the first-ever Federal strategy to advance equality for LGBT people around the world.

We have witnessed real and lasting change, but our work is not complete. I continue to support a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act, as well as the Respect for Marriage Act. My Administration continues to implement the Affordable Care Act, which beginning in 2014, prohibits insurers from denying coverage to consumers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which addresses the disparate impact of the HIV epidemic among certain LGBT sub-communities. We have a long way to go, but if we continue on this path together, I am confident that one day soon, from coast to coast, all of our young people will look to the future with the same sense of promise and possibility. I am confident because I have seen the talent, passion, and commitment of LGBT advocates and their allies, and I know that when voices are joined in common purpose, they cannot be stopped."

President Barack Obama Releases Proclamation Declaring June LGBT Pride Month

BARACK OBAMAPresident Barack Obama has released a proclamation declaring June as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. Check out the statement in full below.

As progress spreads from State to State, as justice is delivered in the courtroom, and as more of our fellow Americans are treated with dignity and respect -- our Nation becomes not only more accepting, but more equal as well. During Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, we celebrate victories that have affirmed freedom and fairness, and we recommit ourselves to completing the work that remains.

Last year, supporters of equality celebrated the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act, a ruling which, at long last, gave loving, committed families the respect and legal protections they deserve. In keeping with this decision, my Administration is extending family and spousal benefits -- from immigration benefits to military family benefits -- to legally married same-sex couples.

My Administration proudly stands alongside all those who fight for LGBT rights. Here at home, we have strengthened laws against violence toward LGBT Americans, taken action to prevent bullying and harassment, and prohibited discrimination in housing and hospitals. Despite this progress, LGBT workers in too many States can be fired just because of their sexual orientation or gender identity; I continue to call on the Congress to correct this injustice by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. And in the years ahead, we will remain dedicated to addressing health disparities within the LGBT community by implementing the Affordable Care Act and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy -- which focuses on improving care while decreasing HIV transmission rates among communities most at risk. 

Our commitment to advancing equality for the LGBT community extends far beyond our borders. In many places around the globe, LGBT people face persecution, arrest, or even state-sponsored execution. This is unacceptable. The United States calls on every nation to join us in defending the universal human rights of our LGBT brothers and sisters.

This month, as we mark 45 years since the patrons of the Stonewall Inn defied an unjust policy and awakened a nascent movement, let us honor every brave leader who stood up, sat in, and came out, as well as the allies who supported them along the way. Following their example, let each of us speak for tolerance, justice, and dignity -- because if hearts and minds continue to change over time, laws will too.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2014 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth.



 2014 Delaware Pride Festival


This year’s festival will be held Saturday, August 2, 2014, from 11AM – 5PM in our state capitol, Dover, Delaware, in front of the Historic Legislative Hall.   The Delaware Pride Festival has become the largest GLBT Event in Delaware and this will be the first time since Delaware Pride was formed that the festival will be held in Kent County.

This year’s Pride theme is, Reflections of Pride – Stonewall 45 …… To observe the 45th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and reflect on the impact the fight for equality is having on the LGBT community around the world.  The Stonewall Riots in New York’s Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969 set off the LGBT civil rights movement.

See more at: http://www.delawarepride.org/wordpress/#sthash.yy13lqqH.dpuf


Posted: 06/05/2015 9:08 pm EDT Updated: 06/05/2015 11:59 pm EDT
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

2. What did Jesus say about gay people?
Jesus said the same thing about gay people that he said about all people: God loves you beyond your wildest imagining and calls you to walk in love with God and with each other. He also said a whole lot about welcoming the stranger, embracing the outcast, ministering to the marginalized and loving - not judging - your neighbor.

3. Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality?
The short answer is no, it does not. The handful of passages in the Old and New Testaments that talk about God condemning specific sexual acts have nothing whatsoever to do with sexual orientation and everything to do with contexts such as cultic prostitution or gang rape. To put it another way, using the Bible as a handbook on human sexuality makes as much sense in the 21st century as using it as a handbook on astronomy did in the 16th. The church got it wrong when it misused the Bible to condemn Galileo and it gets it wrong when it misuses the Bible to condemn LGBT people.

4. How do I respond when people say "God hates f--s"?
First of all, God's nature is to love, not to hate. We believe that what God cares about is not our sexual orientation but our theological orientation -- and that the question that matters is not "who do you love?" but "do you love?" Recognizing that homophobia causes some folks to project onto God their own fears, prejudices and biases against LGBT people, sometimes the best response is simply no response. It can be a challenge, but getting triggered by hate-mongers prevents us from being the change we want to see.

5. What do I tell people when they say being gay is a sin and a choice?
Tell them that Jesus said absolutely nothing about being gay, but he said a lot of things about judging other people. Then tell them that while there is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation, there is consensus that sexuality is a continuum. So the "choice" is not to be gay, straight or somewhere in between; the "choice" is to build our own healthy relationships -- and give other people the grace to build theirs.

6. How about transgender people? Where do they fit in?
The same place all God's beloved children fit in: smack dab in the center of God's care, love and desire for health and wholeness for every single human being.

7. How do I respond when politicians condemn my sexuality, citing their belief in the Bible?
Remind them that the First Amendment protects them in believing whatever they want to about what God does or does not bless, but it also prohibits them from using those beliefs to decide who the Constitution protects or doesn't protect. Tell them to stop confusing their theology with our democracy. And then campaign for and donate to their opponent in the next election cycle.

8. What about those who say they need "religious freedom laws" to protect their right to discriminate against LGBT people because of their religion?
They are wrong. The Constitution already protects their the right to exercise their religion. It does not protect their right to impose their religion. Just as using the Bible to justify racial segregation was wrong in 1965 using it to justify LGBT discrimination is wrong in 2015.

9. So is your church in favor of marriage equality?
Yes. In 2012 the Episcopal Church adopted a resolution entitled "End Discrimination Against Same-Sex Marriages" urging the repeal the of DOMA and the extension of federal benefits to couples in a same-sex marriage. And hundreds of Episcopalians - including the President of our House of Deputies - signed the Faith Leaders Amicus Brief in support of marriage equality in the cases currently pending in the Supreme Court.

10. Should I try to "pray away the gay"?
No. If you need to pray away something, pray away homophobia. Homosexuality doesn't need healing. Homophobia does.

GREAT resource for Gay Pride festivities for 2016:  http://www.gaypridecalendar.com/

In pictures: LGBT parades across Europe

People march past the Coliseum during the Gay Pride parade in Rome, 11 JuneGay Pride events have been taking place across Europe this weekend, including a colourful march in Rome People take part in the annual Gay Pride Parade (LGBT) near the Coliseum, in downtown Rome on 11 JuneSaturday's parade was held a month after Italy gave some legal rights to same-sex couples, despite opposition from the Catholic Church
Members of Ukraine's LGBT community marching during a Gay Pride parade on 12 June in KievIn the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, about 700 people took part in an "Equality Parade" on Sunday
Participants carry rainbow and European Union flags during the Gay Pride parade in Kiev, Ukraine, 12 June 2016Demonstrators waved rainbow and EU flags
Security forces protect the Gay Pride parade in Kiev, 12 JuneLGBT activists were not the only ones turning up in numbers on the streets of Kiev. There was a massive police presence after right-wing groups threatened to disrupt the event.
People take part in the annual Equality Parade in front of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, 11 June 2016The annual Gay Pride parade in Warsaw, Poland, drew a big crowd on Saturday
Participants embrace during the annual Gay Pride Parade in Warsaw, Poland, 11 June 2016.The event took place amid concern for minorities under Poland's right-ring government, which took office in November
Gay pride parade in Zagreb, 11 JuneThousands also marched in Croatia, another Catholic country where minority rights activists have criticised a new conservative government
People hold a giant rainbow flag as they participate in the annual gay pride parade in Athens, Greece, 11 June 2016Giant rainbow flags were also in evidence at the Gay Pride parade in Athens, Greece, on Saturday

GREAT resource for Gay Pride festivities for 2017:  http://www.gaypridecalendar.com/calendar




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