No thanks, pine sucks for firewood.
Tell ya what, darroll - If you show up, I will shove that tree up your fat ass.
Deal ?
Trump is doing so well in the polls because he blatantly panders to bigots. Plain and simple. And it's not because he "speaks his mind" and "isn't politically correct", which is the excuse the spineless pussies like to use.
How do I know this ?
If Trump walked up to any of his supporters and "spoke his mind' and "refused to be politically correct" by telling the supporter that the supporter's 15-year-old granddaughter was "a hot little tramp" and Trump was going to bend her over the supporter's kitchen table and dog-fuck her in the ass - That admiration for Trump's "candor" and "honesty" would dry up and blow away like darroll's brain did decades ago.
Trump's fans love him because he says the horrible shit that they wish they could get away with, not because he's "politically incorrect". His "forthrightness" is loved only as long as he's saying the ignorant racist shit that they agree with. They'd hate his fucking guts if he was as "honest" and "free" with what he really thinks of the vain, dumbfuck rubes he's suckered into his current standing in the polls.
Trump is better than the libs.
All they do is put losers on a pedestal and tell them how great they are.
Like playing sports with no score keeper.
Just like a gal going to have a baby and the father says we are having a baby. Lying is becoming a part of our screwed up society.
If you say anything they trample you.
Tell it the way it is Trump and listen to the crybabies have a meltdown.
Case in point.
darroll, you do realize don't you, that Trump thinks that you are exactly one of the "losers" he's always going on about - Right ?
Nah. Of course you don't. You actually believe that Trump admires you and isn't just jerking you off for your vote. You think he's talking about somebody else when he's ranting about "losers" and "dummies", and that he's going to "do something" about them.
Trump won't do a fucking thing for you, darroll - At least not until after he has your vote. Then, he'll take away your pension plan and your benefits, and he'll let your boss keep the money instead. He'll raise your taxes, but not his rich friends' taxes. And they'll laugh at you and all the other bitchy morons who trusted them, all the way to the fucking bank. And you'll sit there in your shit-filled adult diaper, blaming everybody but yourself.
And you call everybody else a "liar". Man, but you are one fucked-up, lying sack of shit, darroll.
As much as I despise "reality shows", darroll, and as much as I'm aware of the dangers of schadenfreude - If somebody made a series where we got to watch you slowly die of stupidity and diabetes as you drink yourself to death, living in shit in your trailer next to the sewage treatment facility, all while you rant about how everything that's wrong in your worthless life is the faul of "n*****s" and "liberals" and people who made it past the third grade - I wouldn't miss an episode. You actually are the ignorant, arrogant hick that those "Duck Dynasty" assholes pretend to be. You're the Y-chromo version of "Honey Boo Boo" - One of the dumbest chunks of White Trash I've ever met.
I don't expect anything from our government.
No-one owes me anything.
I'm sure glad you know all about me.
Oh, I forgot to get drunk today.
What the hell are you taking? Goof Balls?
A little Red Neck Music
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