TBD on Ning

Whether you support this guy:

Or this one:

Can we keep it fun?

Tags: Politics, humor, play_nice

Views: 10596

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We are not paying any attention to ISIS, Putin and China are.

I guess our clowns never heard of fallout from nuclear weapons.

I'm getting kinda sick of having to type this every time you post your gibberish, darroll:

What the fuck are you talking about ? Do you have one fucking shred of evidence or facts to back up your bullshit ? FOX news and right-wing conspiracy sites do NOT count.

Wow darrol, drunk at 2 in the afternoon. You should really slow down a bit.

Seas are rising............

Don't turn that into a term paper.


What a nice upbeat thing to tell your kids.......

You are going to grow up in a frying pan and slowly cook. Unless...

You give Al and the government money.

...Who else here thinks that darroll is getting some sort of gov't assistance, such as food stamps - And is selling those stamps to buy booze ?

That he is basically staying dead drunk, 24-7, on our collective dime - And he literally has nothing better to do with his pathetic life than simply log on here and start vomiting ?




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