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25 reasons Trump should be screened by a panel of Dr's before being allowed to be nominated for president.

1. Says can't remember trying to get casinos in Fl.
2. Doesn't know the difference between Kurds and Kuds
3. Denied filing for bankrupcy 4 times
4. Says about border security, "Our leaders are stupid, our politicians are stupid, and the Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them, they don't want to take care of them. Why should they, when the stupid leaders of the United States will do it for them? And that’s what’s happening, whether you like it or not.".
5 Thinks Mexico is going to pay to build a fence
6. Has called women he doesn't like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals,’ and all but called Forina ugly.
7. Says Mexico doesn't have birth right citizenship and America is the "only one" that does
8. Says that under the Iran deal "If iran attacks Israel, We're supposed to be on Iran's side.
9. Says that"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
10. Says we are the most highly taxed nation in the world.
11. Said of Megan Fox "Well, some of the things that she said, I didn't say, okay?"
12. Says about immigration, "This wasn’t a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement."
13. Says about unemployment, "Income levels and unemployment numbers "are worse now than just about ever" for African Americans.
14, On illegal imme=igrents, "I am now hearing it's 30 million, it could be 34 million, which is a much bigger problem."
PS. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security comes up with an estimate of the number of illegal immigrants each year, and its most recent estimate was 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants as of January 2012. That includes those who entered the United States illegally and those who overstayed their visas.
15. Says about Burghdahl, they get five killers that they most wanted in the whole world, who are right now back on the battlefield, trying to kill everybody, including us.
PS. The five detainees (sometimes called the Taliban Five) were released to the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar. Qatar is understood to be a neutral state, as opposed to a "battlefield" for insurgent activity. Under the agreement, the five released detainees are not allowed to leave the country. This travel ban was initially supposed to last one year, ending June 1, 2015, but it has been extended. Multiple administration officials and experts told us the Taliban Five haven’t left Qatar, and we couldn’t find any evidence to the contrary.
16. Says John McCain "has done nothing to help the vets."
17. Says about Syrians, "If you're from Syria and you're a Christian, you cannot come into this country,
18. Says about Jeb Bush, "You know, the sanctuary cities, do you know he had five of them in Florida while he was governor?
10. About the Affordable Care act, "the $5 billion website for Obamacare, which never worked. Still doesn't work."
20. More about Mexico, "The Mexican government forces many bad people into our country because they're smart," he told interviewer Katy Tur. "They're smarter than our leaders, and their negotiators are far better than what we have, to a degree that you wouldn’t believe. They're forcing people into our country. … And they are drug dealers and they are criminals of all kinds. We are taking Mexico’s problems."
21. On abortion, "In terms of polling, the pro-choice (support) is going down a little bit,"
22. On security says, "Even our nuclear arsenal doesn't work. It came out recently they have equipment that is 30 years old. They don't know if it worked.
23 On unemployment, "Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent," Trump said. "Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it."
24. On the GDP, "The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product is a sign of strength, right? But not for us. It was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It's never below zero."
25 On Obama's fundraising trip to New York, "He raises a million dollars and it costs between $25 million and $50 million, and they close up the entire city of New York,"
PS. Ciost was closer tp 5 million.
26. Again on the Affordable care Act, "ObamaCare enrollment lie: Obama counts an enrollee as a web user putting a plan in ‘their online shopping carts’
27. On his popularity, CNN did a poll recently where Obama and I are statistically tied.
28. On Obamas birth certifucate, "He spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue."

Get your facts straight.

Listen to what bush said about Trump and his casinos.

The libs are running scared.

I DID listen. And my facts are straight. Trump tried to get casinos in FL. (where I just happen to live) and Bush blocked the measure to allow the Trump casinos. 

Thanks for your sweet answer. I hope we have a terrible depression that will show you what reckless spending causes. The liberals can't run a cool aid stand.

Trump said he gets any casinos that we wants. (On this very subject at the debate)

The state loves the money.

WRONG AGAIN darrol! If you would care to educate yourself about the subject, (which I seriously doubt) please read the following by CBS News that flat out called him a liar...


Or the Washington Post...


Or how about the Daily Beast...


Or how about the article from The Business Insider...


Yes, yes, I know darrol, it must be a right wing conspiracy. I know I won't change your mind, because you won't believe what has been WIDELY reported about his failed attempts to get casinos in Florida. 

PS. You said quote... "Trump said he gets any casinos that we wants." If that were a true statement, WHY ARE THERE NO TRUMP CASINOS IN FLORIDA??????

PSS. And if the casinos is the only hole you can pick out of my 25 reasons he is a nut job, you need to crack down and try poking some holes in the other 24 items I listed. 

During the debate (pal) they brought that up.

Trump almost called Bush a liar.

In kiddy words, He did not want to put a casino in Florida.

Why don't you get your news from a respectable web site?

I did not read your post after this little fib.

I would agree if it was true.

I don't have to listen to the libs telling me who to vote for and what to say on the net.

"Respectable", this stupid asshole says.

Meaning FOX, of course - THE network for proud, ignorant white trash.

Fuck you, darroll - It IS true, whether your dumb hillbilly ass "agrees" with it or not. Facts are like that - But then, you're a gutless bigot and a cowardly liar. I really and truly hope that you get an indescribably painful, incurable and fatal disease; If only I could get to come by and laugh while I watched you suffer.

You're miserable human garbage, darroll. You're pointless. You serve no purpose, other than keeping giving decent people something to spit on. The world would be genuinely better off if you just fucking killed yourself. I bet even your dog wouldn't miss you.

Fox, they are turning liberal..

I saw the debate on CNN.

Just another friendly political chat.


If you get a couple of liberal guys goat, They cuss you out while they can't keep from choking.

You two would believe that I robbed a poor person to get the money to buy a candy bar.

Fox is too liberal for me.  I prefer RFD-TV.

You flatter yourself, to think you got my goat. You haven't got what it takes to hurt my feelings, you drunk-ass, miserable old fuck.

What your boasting demonstrates, more than anything, is how empty and pathetic your life must be, that patting yourself on the back for being a bigoted prick is the only admiration you can scare up.

I don't think you would rob a poor person to by a candy bar, darroll, because I think you're too chickenshit to do it; You'd need the poor person to be blind and handicapped, before you'd be able to scratch together enough balls to steal their shit.

If you had your druthers, you'd probably prefer to rob a helpless black child - Just so you could tell yourself that they had it coming.

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