TBD on Ning

what was your impression of it ?? do you think it was truthful ? or that they perhaps stretched it a bit to make it all play on the big screen ?? i've often said that hollywood loves to manipulate us and we have been pretty much conditioned to bein manipulated .. i mean who wants to see a movie with a shitty ending anyway ?? i tried to find out more about the principal guy in the film ron woodruff and he was a real guy .. but the character that jared leto won the best supportin actor for was a hollywood fabrication .. so was the doctor played by jennifer garner.. and they made a big deal about how homophobic he was yet in real life that wasn't the case from those who knew him .. nobody said for sure if he was actually gay or not but hollywood likes to draw you in so the use the old trojan horse routine where they might bring in a story but only if they can disguise it as somethin else .. do you think the film would have done as well if matthew maconahey's character was openly gay ?? i don't .. but then if they started him out as this macho homophobe and then as he comes to realize all these people are in the same boat with him , and they throw in this transgenderd character that he comes to know and care about , and tie that all in with the fact that he's dyin but wants to make a difference while he still has time to with these illegal drugs , it makes you see how far he's been transformed and how this disease has made him a better man .. and while in reality he may have been like don quiote tiltin at windmills , you open your heart to him because his cause is noble .. truth be told tho if the drugs he was peddalin really made a difference or not they couldn't and didn't say . but man don't we just love a story where the protagonist goes from an i don't shive a git lowlife to a champion with a noble cause who dies fightin a fight that can't be won ??

if you saw it what do you think ??  

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it was a good movie .. despite the fact that hollywood used a bit of artistic license with the real story .. and while i'm not a mconahey fan either he was good in this movie .. 

I never liked McConaghy that much until True Detective on HBO.  He was a philosopher.  Now I am a fan. 

I looked up the real guy from Dallas Buyers Club when I saw the movie, and much of it is real-ish.  I didn't pay attention back in the 80s, so I don't know for sure.

the guy mconehey plays was real .. but not exactly as they portrayed him .. a lot of the other characters were made up to make it more interestin .. and the part about the drugs he was sellin they didn't say how effective they really were .. but back then you'd try anything if you thought it would help .. 

I have seen this...didn't know much about the story at the time....was a good story though I thought.
I never look to movies for "truth." It's called poetic license...many movies made from books seldom follow the stories...I always assume the same about movies about actual events and real people.

yeah you're right vicki , but whenever i see a movie thats supposed to be based on true events i like to try to find out just how true they portray them events .. cause if you watch tht movie you come away thinkin that ron woodruff saved a bunch of people with the drugs he was pushin . and it all plays well when you think of him in that light .. as a crusader for good against the big drug co's that don't want you to have the simple cure cause they can't capitalize on it .. and did he really have a t cell count of 9 with only a month to live ?? and then go on to live for 7 years due to the drugs he got in mexico ?? i guess now its not important but the next time some kinda plague comes swoopin thru society will big pharma again be allowed to take control and ban anything they can't profit from even if it works ?? i think thats the bigger question here that the film left me with .. 




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