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Titty bar

Believe me, Tee, I empathize. :>)

I'm so glad the overall experience was good!

Tiring but good!!!

I'm so fricking confused I don't even know how to act.

What's confusing you, Bub?!  Something going on with treatment?

Or is it "chemo brain," as doctors not so creatively :>) call it?  I had that. The symptoms are usually transitory, but they certainly can be unsettling.

In case it's the latter, here's a link to information (and free phone or email counseling by professional oncology social workers). Just search on "chemo brain." http://www.cancercare.org/

Hang in there, Buddy! We're rooting for you.


Hi Sweetie!! Thank you for the link!!!!! I've poked around there for a bit, and am going to check some more later. But that's not why I posted the confused remark. Not sure why I didn't think of it before, but I contacted the surgeon in Cleveland that did the hernia surgery. I explained that I was torn between going to Orlando and being opened up by the guy he recommended, but using an unknown urologist, or going to Moffit in Tampa, and letting the expert urologist and his team do the bladder removal. This is the guy that told me that if I was ever HAD to be by someone that was familiar with his techniques. This is the guy that gave me the name of the surgeon in Orlando in case I needed to be opened up. This is the guy that after I explained my situation, said, "Stick with the urologist at Moffit.

OMG!!!! I've just done some googling of chemobrain. Explains a LOT!!! The chemobrain led me to long term PCCI, and that explains a LOT!!! 10 years ago the DR's stopped my 5 FU treatments due to cerebellum ataxia. They didn't explain ti at the time, but as far as I can tell it means that the chemo was leaving lesions on my brain. At the time I was under the impression that all of the side effects were short term, but I just read on WIKI where symptoms can occur for 10 years or more. So the way I'm looking at it now, is that I've had problems for 10 years, and the chemo is making them worse. Somebody get me a drool cup!!!

Be sure your doctor knows that you feel you're having some cognitive impairment, Tee. 

The Mayo Clinic suggests helping your doctor hone in on any possible treatments by keeping track of whatever problems you or Dee observe--the type of difficulty and what you're doing when it happens.

We can have matching drool buckets! :>)

I will be talking to my PCp on the Mon, and also my chemo Dr. next Wed.

You seem to be on top of things - got to keep pestering those doctors for information. 




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