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Hipiotisium : Do you believe in  it ? Do you beleve a person can be Hipiiotised ?

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I've been hypnotized many times so yes I believe it. It's really just deep deep relaxation so deep you're in your subconscious area and open to more possibilities.

I've been hypnotized a couple of times.  Once to quit smoking and again for a past life regression.  It was the most relaxing state I have ever felt.  Also, in  one group I went to every week led by a neuro linguistic practitioner, the end was a relaxation hypnosis--also extremely relaxing.  Each time, I did not want to come back to reality.

Theres a few things in my head that I want to take to the grave with me , other than that I'm game ... One is how I got my first BJ .....

i'd like to try it .. that and acupuncture .. and i just might .. 

I have been hypnotized.  It is a cool feeling.  I don't think I have ever been that relaxed. I'd do it again in a heart beat.

 Now what wrong with acting like a chicken , I do it all the time ..

That's what we did at a Christmas party one year. I volunteered but he didn't ask me to act like a chicken.




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