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What single piece of advice would you give to the automobile industry if you could?

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Remove car horns.  Or make them a different sound.

style..cars need style.

AMEN!!  Nowadays they all look exactly alike.  They're even all the same color!!  You can drive all around my neighborhood (I have done this) and say, "Black, Gray, White, Silver, black, black, white, silver, gray.....) What happened to red?  Blue?  Green?  Must we all look exactly like the guy next door?  The houses look alike already.....now our cars, do, too.  I walk out of the store and look over 50 little silver cars before I find WHICH little silver Prius belongs to my son. At least my truck is red.  I can find it anywhere....cuz it has "hillbilly" rigging in the back for Dave's kayaks.  :-)

Go back to what you do best and keep it simple.  Techies should not exist in the UAW.  At least not computer techs.

gimme a carburator any day.

Quality counts

I have to agree with Karin and Tim. Style and color would be nice. I also think they should have tires that don't wear out and cannot go flat, and are good for all weather conditions. I want good suspension too....float down the road...lol

they have those tires on cop cars.

Beth's MiniCooperS comes w run-flats.  They don't have a spare tire.  

I always put run-flat's on my Harleys.  It's saved my butt too ...

I have a car, BMW, that has run flat tires. They are supposed to travel 100 miles while flat. I hate them. They are noisy, do not ride good and can't be repaired, must be replaced, if you do have a flat. It is also silver and my truck is white.
I have bought a lot of cars in my day and when the time came to sell or trade them, even back in the 70's, black, white, or silver cars could be worth thousands of dollars more.




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