Do you really think we would give away our secrets??
Yes about age but you can maybe make it less frighting ...
I use moisturizer but not the super expensive stuff. No I don't think any of that stuff works enough to make much difference. What makes me look better is getting enough sleep and eating a lot of veggies and fruit. I just look healthier and refreshed.
I look older if my sleep habits aren't good and my skin doesn't look as healthy if I go for a week not eating enough veggies.
Wish I had teeth , used or not so I could eat veggies and fruit . Fruit in cans have to much sugar added ...
I also always moisturize--always have. I'm lucky to have inherited my mother's skin, either that or because she moisturized, she had very good skin. Anyway, I learned moisturizing from her. I also don't buy the expensive stuff. In the summer I used Aveeno because it's lighter, and in the winter L'Oreal.
I have been using sunscreen for about twenty years. The last time I let myself get tan at the beach, I got bad freckles all over instead of a tan, so I said, no more sun for me. I love the beach, but I use 45 sunscreen. I think that has helped my skin somewhat as well.
I'm still doing OK. Can't fight age, though.
Freckles look good in certain places , i think they quite sexy on women ....
I've always used olive oil on my skin. My best age defying remedy is my plastic surgeon. Thermage and facial peels make you feel better.
I would like to have a body peel for dead skin . Probably loose 30 pound .....
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