TBD on Ning

The awful landslide we had in Washington state?  My heart sure goes out to those people.  I can't imagine how horrific it must be waiting for news of their loved ones fate.

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I don't watch the news and we've been out and about all day, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of lives. It must be horrific for the families. 

It isn't really that close to me but we have been having landsldes all over the state.  One was 9 miles from where I live.  My road is closed right passed me. They are already saying this is not a rescue mission any more. They are saying 178 stiss "unaccounted for but that might be duplicates.  Sounds pretty unorganized.

it's probably kind of hard to be real organized when you are trying to find a whole town that is buried. you have no street grids or way to ascertain who was where or anything...you just have to begin at the edges and work in...some folks will likely never be found

puts me in mind of the hurricane that hit new orleans and the surrounding parishes. they will never be able to ascertain the real death toll in those situations because there are always people 'off the books' in some fashion or people who have no next of kin to go looking for them or report them missing.

I lived in hurricane country all my life.  You have plenty of warnings and time to get the hell outta there.  With this not so..




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