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The awful landslide we had in Washington state?  My heart sure goes out to those people.  I can't imagine how horrific it must be waiting for news of their loved ones fate.

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Yes, I did.  Truly devastating!  Washington State is my favorite so far, of the 39 states I've been to.  But it always seems there's a price to pay for beauty.  I empathize with those people who are waiting for news.  I would be going nuts.  Seems if it isn't avalanches.....it's mud slides. 

I will say this is a beautiful state.  However it is not fun to live here. The roads suck, the taxes are horrible and for the most part the people are not friendly.  Housing is outragious along with everything else.  When I retire My rear is leaving here.

Won't you miss your rear? It seems like it's followed you around forever.

Well it took a wrong turn when I landed here.

Stop by here after you retire...I have just the spot for you.

In the middle of which lake?

I can see that you are a glass 1/2 empty type of person...look at the bright side...you wouldn't be bothered by unfriendly people.

I'm not real fond of fish either.

Neither of my wives thought they liked fish...now they are chum...so to speak.

Did you ever get the feeling you were someplace before .....even if you weren't?  What is that?....deja vu?  Well, after all the years in the Midwest.....I truly feel that, when I moved to Virginia.....I came "home".  I had never spent any time here.....other than a short stay in a Fredericksburg motel back in '93 when I came down to see my son graduate from OCS.  And a short day in Virginia Beach and Norfolk.  But, since moving here, I really feel sorta like I have been here before.....and was meant to return.  Weird, huh?  I love the climate....not too hot, not too cold......short winters (as a rule).....rolling green hills.....water, water everywhere.....and history......lots and lots of history. 

I love two things equally....mountains and water.  Washington gave me both.  I loved the Cascade Mountains, which I wandered in a lot while there.  Seattle is expensive, but my son lived on an island north of Seattle, and the rents and houses weren't all that pricey.  He had cows in his back yard.  I fell in love with Annacortes (?), LaConnor, and Oak Harbor.  I don't know anything about taxes there, but I sure loved the scenery ....and I'm agreeable with the weather, too.  Rain doesn't bother me.  Besides....the whole time I was there it only rained once....unfortunately, that was the day we were out on the ocean whale-watching.  Still had a blast, though. 

I don't mind the weather.  Being from Texas I was tired of "hot" all the time.  I live near Mt Rainer and have two horses. The drive to and from work sucks but that was my choice.

Oh and I love to eat fish, just not the other way around.

how far was all this devastation from you dewalt ?? are you close enough or pretty far away ?? this looks so bad on the news .. over a 100 people missin .. they say some of em might be duplicate reports of the same person from someone else so that number might come down a bit .. by half ?? i doubt it .. but even if it comes down by 30 people at this point its good news .. after 3 days i don't think they're gonna find too many people alive .. in another couple of days this is gonna be labeled a search and recover .. no more search and rescue .. this really is sad tho .. just shows how fragile life can be sometimes .. one minute you're sittin on your couch with a cup of tea watchin a movie and the next .. you're a mile away under 15 feet of mud ..  




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