TBD on Ning

i saw that little porker fish and it reminded me of what i saw a couple of days ago .. this guy got hit by lightning and they had it on some kinda video surveillance .. and they said not to laugh cause it wasn't supposed to be funny .. so .. i laughed .. not on purpose .. but i laughed .. and laughed hysterically too .. and i felt kinda guilty .. cause they show this guy just walkin down the streen mindin his own business and then wham .. a bolt comes outta the sky and knocks his dick in the dirt .. i mean this guy was flattened .. so he's layin there for about 20 seconds or so and you think he's gotta be dead but he starts to stir .. slowly at first and then he manages to sit up while he's holdin his achein head .. there's no sound so you can't hear anything but if you could you'd think he'd be sayin ohh shit .. what was that all about ?? wtf just hit me ?? and then he slowly gets up and proceeds to stumble on his way , for about 10 paces and .. wham.. the poor bastard gets zapped again .. and all i can think is eeeeeeeeeeeeee.. what did he ever do to deserve this .. and again he's layin there and you think ok this time that poor bastard has got to be dead .. both places he gets hit under him ain't nothin but some kinda greasy spot .. as if the jolt went right thru to the ground .. either that or both times he shit in his pants ( which is probably what i'd do if i got zapped by lightning ) and after a little bit he sits up again .. i can hear myself sayin stay down clown whatsa matter with you ?? stay down .. like a cool hand luke movie or somethin .. but he manages to get up again and i'd imagin him sayin somethin like eeeeeeeeeee.. what a day i'm havin .. who did i piss off ?? why me ?? as he goes on his way .. and if you look at it it does look authentic .. but .. i think this might have been photoshopped .. maybe .. either way tho .. i still think its funny .. does that make me a sadist ?? 

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i'm not sure that video is playin right so here's another one just in case 

Holey moley!

Years ago friends who were at Daytona saw a man who was walking with his 10 year old son get struck by lightining right there on the beach, but he DIED.  And it wasn't even raining--just slightly overcast. There was a storm coming from the sea, but it hadn't hit yet.

Watching video . That dark spot on cement isn't there till he gets hit and again appears the second time he is hit . Its either crap or lighting did go throw him to pavement ...

I saw that the other day .

Something fishy about this...

I wonder what made him a lightning rod was he carrying something on his person? It seems it was his lucky/unlucky day he was unlucky to be struck twice but lucky to be able to walk away. I'm wondering if he will have some problems related to this Or if he even realizes what hit him.




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