TBD on Ning

Here it is drab and kinda slow. /supposed to get more snow at the house tonight.  BTW where is uno??

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We had a foggy morning, still overcast but it's warm. I've been watching more olympics and catching up with chores.

didn't uno say he was in carolina somewhere ?? gettin his dose of sunshine , or should i say snow .. just my opinion but i don't think he went far enough south .. maybe he put on his snowshoes and went back to wisconsin ..  

I don't know.  I get kinda worried when people don't show up where they are supposed to be in a while.

Spring is on the way, just ignore the 12 foot high snowpiles around my yard. You know something is wrong when I become an optimist. Had 6" snow on Monday and now they are predicting as much as 10" more. Now we are at 63" for the season and if we get that 10" we may be nearing a record for this stage of Winter. But today the Sun did shine and it must have been in the high 30s if not higher. Sometimes in the fall one gets people wishing for snow for the Winter because in their mind it "would not be Winter without it."  If anyone says that to me next fall, I will poke them in the eye. I just came in from over an hour of plowing.

Coincidently I arrived home last night. The Carolinas were colder then usual this time of year.........but I'll take their winter weather over Wisconsin's winter weather anytime. I survived the inch of snow that blasted the coast and the ugly 30+ couple of days........I was even forced to wear a coat a few days when I walked along the ocean.......I was just happy to be outside for a majority of my stay. The upside of living in Wisconsin is that anyplace where the winter weather is over 50 degrees qualifies as a winter retreat.

So far this week has been pretty busy for me...not too much time to do much sharing.
Sunday I went to a blues concert in Clearwater with some friends...met a couple of women blues guitarists which was fun...and they played some really good music too..wasn't familiar to me so I enjoyed it...names Samantha Fish and Anna Popovitch.
My Mom developed pneunomia so spent the day at her doctor and decision was made to admit her to the hospital..so I've been spending most of the day with her and my sisters and brother are taking turns evenings..she is responding well to the antibiotics and the breathing treatments...hopingThursday is home day.
Today was chemo day for me...long day...but the people there are generally pleasant and I have a couple friends I sometimes chat with on the net.
Hoping things will calm down a bit by the weekend...need to do some house chores.. maybe tonight..Part of my chemo protocol involves a strong dose of steroids which makes me really speedy ...I won't get much sleep till tomorrow some time...whoopee for me...

Say can't they give you something to help you sleep sweetie?  I know you probably don't want to add one more pill to your regimen but sleep does a body good and you need that now.  See what they can do for ya.  And hand in there, I am sending all my good thoughts your way.  

I do have stuff I could take but I would rather have a glass of wine and call it a day. It's only one night. I get lots of sleep otherwise. Thanks for the hand and the good thoughts. Two more weeks and we'll do another marker and who knows...remission for now...wahoo!

Mom is home from the hospital...lungs are clear...so all is well with her.

yeah I just noticed that, it was supposed to be hang in there. But I must say you deserve a hand too!  LOL

I'm glad to hear you are in remission Blithe, with the chemo perhaps you'll stay there. Got my fingers crossed for you and I'm happy to know you're enjoying yourself.

We got about another foot of snow last night.  This winter has really taken it out of me, I feel so blah most of the time.

We are supposed to get more snow Saturday night.  I don't care as long as I don't have to drive in it.




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