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Huge Asteroid to Fly Safely By Earth Monday: Watch It Live

" data-id="cad0ca79-06b6-372b-9ea7-2ff70e7a3845">Huge Asteroid to Fly Safely By Earth Monday: Watch It Live

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This graphic shows the location of the asteroid 2000 EM26 in the night sky on Feb. 17, 2014 during a …

An asteroid the size of three football fields is set to make a close brush of Earth on Monday (Feb. 17), and you can watch the flyby in a live webcast.

Near-Earth asteroid 2000 EM26 poses no threat of actually hitting the planet, but the online Slooh Space Camera will track the asteroid as it passes by Earth on Monday. The live Slooh webcast will start at 9 p.m. EST (0200 Feb. 18 GMT), and you can also watch the webcast directly through the Slooh website.

You can also watch the asteroid broadcast live on Space.com. Scientists estimate that 2000 EM26 is about 885 feet (270 meters) in diameter, and it is whizzing through the solar system at a break-neck 27,000 mph (12.37km/s), according to Slooh. During its closest approach, the asteroid will fly about 8.8 lunar distances from Earth. [See photos of potentially dangerous asteroids]


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Quarter of Americans Convinced Sun Revolves Around Earth, Survey Finds

ABC News
" data-id="eb38d215-884c-3284-b63d-349dfcb48422">
Quarter of Americans Convinced Sun Revolves Around Earth, Survey Finds

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Quarter of Americans Convinced Sun Revolves Around Earth, Survey Finds (ABC News)

"Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth?"

If you answered the latter, you're among a quarter of Americans who also got it wrong, according to a new report by the National Science Foundation.

A survey of 2,200 people that was released Friday revealed some alarming truths about the state of science education across the country, with many failing to an answer even the most basic astronomy and science questions, according to a release about the survey.

Out of nine questions in the survey, participants scored an average 6.5.

Only 39 percent answered correctly with "true" when asked if "The universe began with a huge explosion," while only 48 percent knew that "Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals," according to the statement.

Asked whether there needed to be more government funding for science, 30 percent said there should be.

The survey was conducted in 2012, but the results were only presented on Friday at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago. It is conducted every two years and will also be included in a National Science Foundation report to President Obama and lawmakers.

Heliocentrism, the theory that the earth and planets revolve around a relatively stationary sun, became widely accepted in the 16th century, when Nicolaus Copernicus introduced his astronomical model of the universe, which led to the Copernican Revolution.

Wonder if there are any Heaven's Gate/Hale-Bopp type cults out there waiting for the moment of rapturing/deliverance. I am not surprised that 25% of Americans believe the Sun goes around the Earth, not after what I have been hearing the last few years in regards to climate change or even evolution which is the modern basis for all biology.

and they even elect the numbskulls because they parrot the idiots' belief system..you might only get  one chance to save the planet....

Bill Nye The Science Guy pleaded for action to address climate change in a debate Sunday with Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who called climate science "unproven."

"There is no debate in the scientific community. And I encourage the congresswoman to look at the facts," Nye, the former children's educational personality said in a debate on "Meet the Press" Sunday. "We need you to change things, not to deny what's happening."

He clashed with Blackburn, the vice chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee — the panel in charge of producing and overseeing energy and climate regulations.

"Neither he nor I are climate scientists. He's an engineer and actor; I'm a member of Congress," she said. Of the scientific evidence of climate change, she said: "There is not consensus there."

Blackburn said that even if she were to concede Nye's assertions about the validity of climate change, lawmakers and regulators should still look to a cost-benefit analysis of new laws and rules before imposing them.

"What we need to be looking at is the way to achieve efficiencies," she said.

Nye, who debated a noted creationist over the science behind evolution in a heavily-publicized event earlier this month, argued in favor of using every available tool to address the threat of climate change immediately.

"It would be everybody's interests to just get going," he said. "The more we mess around with this denial, the less we're going to get done."

The debate comes as the gulf between President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress on issues of climate change continues to grow. The GOP has continued to pressure Obama to approve construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, for instance, and relax regulations of producing energy from "tracking."


Do they go out and intentionally find the dumbest dolts they can find to survey? Where were these people when they were teaching these things in school......smoking in the boys' room? I remember seeing these things discussed on Oprah years ago. She went through her studio audience and asked questions at random. A very expensively dressed 40-something woman actually didn't know which revolved around which! I will never forget what that woman looked like....and that was at least 20 years ago....because I stared at her in disbelief for so long. But just watch these on-the-street interviewers....they either don't know the answer....or they make one up....or they agree heartily with something the guy with the microphone.....even if it's absolutely fiddle-faddle! I watched a guy with a clipboard asking college kids if they were interested in signing a petition allowing abortion in the fourth trimester of pregnancy.....and they happily signed! If that were my kid, I'd drag him out of college and tell him I wanted my money back! I watched another interviewer at a nice marina in California, asking people what political party President Obama belonged to. Only about a third of the people he asked knew for sure. A few said, "Uhhh......Democratic......maybe??".....but when he asked if they were sure, they retracted their answer and admitted they weren't sure. Most said they voted for him.....but had no idea what party he belonged to. What's with that? And what's worse.....we find this extremely humorous. (see "Jay Walking"). There is nothing funny about stupidity!

we have political races going on for state and local offices here in texas. and the amazing thing is that everyone of these dolts is going to secure the border...even the dogcatcher.....the comptroller race has people claiming what they will do to secure the border and defeat obama etc etc....and all the comptroller's office does is the bookkeeping of the state...it is the office that collects and disperses funds...now either they don't know what the duties and responsibilities as well as the limitations are of the office they for which they are seeking election or they think the voters are the  largest collection of braindead dolts since the pet rock craze...

“The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.”
― Harlan Ellison

well i have no problems with science thats been proven .. its the theories that they try to make you believe even tho they can't prove them that i have trouble with .. could their theories be right ?? possibly .. or they could be as wrong as the earth is flat .. science is always backpedallin on things they thought were true and weren't .. so i'm quite ok callin em what they are .. THEORIES ..  till they prove em .. and it ain't that i have an alternative answer .. some things will probably never be solved in my lifetime .. and maybe a few lifetimes after that too if the world goes that long and we don't learn to live together without killin each other off first..i agree there's plenty of stupidity to go around ..   

My experience is that by the time children enter the school system, they already have had many things impressed upon them (blame the teacher if you want but little Johnny and Susie may be a piece of work by the time they see a teacher).  I have taught mostly 20-45 year olds that were getting degrees mainly to move up the corporate hierarchy. In one course I always assigned a question straight from the textbook that asked about the two creation stories in Genesis. Most did not know there were two creation stories in Genesis and over the years I was surprised and saddened to see so many in that demographic that believed in creation (but it is a Christian University so maybe I got more of those than one would in a public university). There is now much pressure from the extreme political right to be anti-science and push followers down the path of certain criteria.  One can see this among political parties in history and now perhaps the best example is among the Republican party and the splinter segment known as the Tea Party which wants to purify the party and bring it back to the "true" version (which never existed). And if you are not with them, they will run and fund someone loonier against you. Their ideal right now must meet the criteria of believing in creation, be against human caused climate change, be against abortion even if it means criminal prosecution of the woman, be against contraceptive use or any birth control (at least so they claim in public), and believe in a certain type of Christian religion. And one can throw in their homophobia, firearm promotion, and other things. So they carry around a checklist and eye each other suspiciously. And of course one must be against the extreme version of Sharia Law which really is indistinquishable from what they want.

How did asteroids and dummies who don't know what's what around them manage to get around to Christian-bashing, & right wing politics again?  Am I one of those who's too dense to see the connection?  I know I'm not in the same league with the two of you.....but I do know how to read and write, and I have a reasonable knowledge of what is happening around me.  LIke......the earth revolving around the sun......the world's not flat.....the climate is changing......evolution is a reality.  I even know how to avoid brushing my teeth with Preparation H.  But I still don't see why we always end up bashing the Right.   Just for the record.....I am on the Right.  Not once did I post something trashing anyone on the left.  Never have I criticized the President.  I have no hatred for blacks, Mexicans, gays or Muslims.  I don't preach my religion or force my Faith on anyone.  But I sit here....day after day.....reading the nasty, snarky, insulting and downright mean comments about anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say. 

I have tried to be nice and ignore it.  I've even tried to be "friends" with some of you.  But no more.  If you wanted to see how far you could push....well, you've reached it. 

karin, my post was about ignorance. you are far from ignorant. i had posted two tests on a local message board and posted the same tests on a liberal board. on a liberal board, some refused to take the test, i guess they think they know the facts....on the local board (which has some HIGHLY conservative members) some refused to take the test and argued about terminology, that the christian science monitor was following an agenda....the citizenship test was treated similarly. in fact a few people had the mistaken belief that the govt was going to begin requiring all citizens to take the test. the point is that both sides are getting loonier in trying to have beliefs without facts. and the extremes on both sides scare the hell out of me cause without facts, you are just guessing at causes and cures.

here are the two tests:

So how much do you know and how much is just popular myth?

How much do you know about US entitlement programs? Take our quiz.

In this June 19, 2012 photo, Dr. Bruce Stowell examines patient Robert Busch at his office in Grants Pass, Ore. Stowell is among many doctors in rural areas who have capped the numbers of Medicare patients they take due to low reimbursement levels. (Jeff Barnard/AP)

The push to reform entitlement programs is at the heart of debates about the future of the US budget. Many Republicans want big changes as Medicare and Medicaid, in particular, consume a larger share of federal spending. Most Democrats merely want to ensure the programs' survival.
Entitlement programs include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (welfare). How much do you know about them?

- Allison TerryCorrespondent


Could you pass a US citizenship test?

New citizens recite the Pledge of Allegiance as the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) holds a naturalization ceremony on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington on Sept. 22, 2010. (UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg/Newscom)

In order to become a US citizen, immigrants must pass the Naturalization Test. American citizenship bestows the right to vote, improves the likelihood of family members living in other countries to come and live in the US, gives eligibility for federal jobs, and can be a way to demonstrate loyalty to the US. Applicants must get 6 answers out of 10 in an oral exam to pass the test. According to US Citizenship and Immigration services, 92 percent of applicants pass this test.
You must get 58 or more of these test questions correct in order to pass.


If those are your beliefs I don't see the connection myself. I always welcome any comments to my posts but do not check in regularly and may miss some. But I am an honest guy and that is the world as I now see it, especially after driving 300 miles round trip last Tuesday to meet with both my State Senator and State Assemblyman at the Capitol, both whom do match my description. And if you look at my post I used one example from "among political parties in history" implying that this checklist guide to conformity is found elsewhere as well.

Chief, this is the reason I spend more time on Boomerville than on TBD. I don't feel like I'm under attack over there. I can just visit with people I like and who like me. We don't talk much politics or religion....and when we do, it's respectfully. I only joined this group because I really like French, and he invited me to join when he started the group. I will, out of respect for him, not leave this group. I will, however, absent myself from any and all conversations that I find to be antagonistic and, in some instances, downright cruel. I enjoy differing opinions. I like a good debate. I draw the line, however, when it becomes an attack. And I am always the brunt of it; not me personally, but those who happen to believe as I do. I have just used up my share of patience, and my protective armor is getting too dented and dinged to work really well anymore. I pride myself on being tolerant of others' views, and I'm not pretending to have all the answers. I get weary of always feeling like I'm being talked to like I'm a few bricks short of a load, and need to "see the light".....or go to my room. I may not be a genius....but I raised one.....and he keeps me on my toes, believe me! I don't have a degree; my dad couldn't afford to send me to college. But I'm not a moron, either. And I resent being treated as one. So I will pop in here and there....but I will be spending more of my time on BV. I hope to run into you somewhere along the way. I've enjoyed your posts.

well just my 2 cents here karin . i don't think you're stupid .. in fact i don't think anyone here is stupid .. and if anyone here believes different from me thats their right .. i realize there ain't no way on gods green earth that i'm ever gonna get everyone to agree .. and thats ok .. i try to never lose my cool .. just state what i know the facts to be and let it go .. but the bigger point is we're here to openly discuss things . and if they say somethin i don't think they've ever meant you personally or me either .. well maybe me a few times but again i really don't let it bug me.. i do agree that some discussions can get a little heated but in the end i hold no grudges cause i'd always rather hear what someone is really thinkin than have them say one thing and mean another .. i know honesty is a concept that eludes some but everyone in here pretty much says what they think .. and thats a good thing . cause we ain't gonna fix the world .. but we can at least talk to each other .. and all thru history once the talkin was done thats when the shootin started . so don't let anyone run you off or shut you up .. this is everyones group and everyone should be heard .. yeah sometimes things might be said that we won't agree with .. thats life .. there will always be people we won't agree with on everything .. always .. but its ok .. its everyones right to not always agree .. but don't let anyone run you off .. i know you ain't stupid and so does everyone else here .. and you have as much right to your opinion as everyone else does .. and i do value yours .. yup i do .. so don't go pickin up your marbles and goin home just yet ok .. say what you think .. no need to be mean about it .. and i know you can do that .. life comes down to 2 simple rules ..1 don't sweat the small stuff .. 2 everything is small stuff ..   




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