i stumbled across this and thought it might be handy for some
Free classics and out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books
With over one million titles, the Kindle Store contains the largest selection of the ebooks people want to read including New York Times® Best Sellers and most new releases from $9.99. And Amazon provides thousands of the most popular classics for free with wireless delivery in under 60 seconds to your Kindle, computer, or other mobile device.
But of course, the Internet is huge and there are lots of older, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books online. We wanted to make it easier to find these collections, which today represent nearly 2 million titles. See the sites and instructions below to download free classic and other out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books and transfer via USB to your Kindle device or read on Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac.
Note that these large collections of older free ebooks are typically created from scanned copies of physical books and can have variable quality.
ManyBooks.net provides free ebooks as a service to the Internet community at large.
1. Visit manybooks.net.
2. Search for a title or browse by genre.
3. When viewing a title, choose the "Kindle (.azw)" option on the right hand side and click the 'Download' button.
4. Attach your Kindle to your computer using your USB cable and drag the file to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle. You can also e-mail the file to your Kindle using Whispernet for wireless delivery (charges may apply).
5. Open the ebook from your Kindle's home screen and enjoy.
I had a Kindle reader . I bought a Samsung Galaxy 2 . 10.1 .It has the Kindle app on it . So my Kindle account works with it . Got over 100 books on it . Mostly older free books . What i like is you can enlarge the writing to suit your eyes . I gave my Kindle to my Granddaughter to enjoy ...
I signed up for Bookbub, sends an email every day with free and low cost books, you choose the genre you like. Easier than going thru all the lists and finding some that aren't full books and the other tricky ones for prime members supposed to be free but involve some other actions.
I have more books than I can possibly read and download about 12 more every week.
I also get lists from BookBub, Bookperk, Ereader News Today, BookGorilla, and One Hundred Free Books daily. I now check with the library on any book I like to see if they have it before I buy it - otherwise...well you readers know what I mean!
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